Previously, the wedding night meant the first sexual contact of the newlyweds. In the modern world, this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not prevent the newlyweds from looking forward to their first wedding night.

Step 1
Many peoples have very strange customs associated with the first wedding night. In some African tribes, the bride's innocence was considered a shame. And the blood that appears during deprivation of virginity could bring illness to her husband. Therefore, the girls were deprived of their innocence with a special bone knife or just a finger. In other tribes, everyone took turns taking possession of the bride. And only after that the “experienced” wife could go to bed with her husband. Fortunately, to date, such rituals have survived only in a few wild tribes.
Step 2
In most cultures, the bride's virginity was highly prized. In Muslim countries, there is still a tradition according to which, after the first wedding night, the groom must present evidence of the bride's innocence. Sheets with bloodstains are hung out for everyone to see.
Step 3
In seemingly civilized Europe, there was a “right of the first night”. Moreover, it did not belong to the groom. The girls were supposed to spend the first wedding night in the beds of the feudal lords. This applied to a greater extent to serfs, brides from noble families could avoid such a "privilege". This barbaric custom existed in some countries until the 18th century. But in Germany, France and Scotland, another funny tradition has been preserved since ancient times. Friends of the bride and groom do their best to prevent the newlyweds from being alone. They make noise under the windows, sing indecent songs, they can hide a dozen of alarm clocks in the bedroom. The newlyweds manage to enjoy each other only after the guests get tired and fall asleep.
Step 4
In Russian traditions, the first wedding night was of great importance. The bride and groom were forbidden to drink strong drinks during the wedding feast. The bridal bed was made in a cold, uninhabited room. Friends and matchmakers accompanied the newlyweds there. The bride took off her boots from the groom. This custom was not intended to humiliate the young woman. The groom hid gold and silver coins in one boot. If the newlywed guessed where the money was, she received the right not to keep the family budget. In pre-Christian Russia, the virginity of the bride was desirable, but not required.
Step 5
For modern couples leaving the registry office, the concept of "wedding night" is rather arbitrary. The innocent bride is the exception rather than the rule. Most newlyweds enter into intimate relationships before the official registration of marriage, and this does not shock anyone. Some couples even manage to have a baby before they get married. However, all this should not detract from the solemnity of the first night in marriage. On the contrary, the wedding night gives the spouses the opportunity to return to the time when they were just discovering the joys of sex with each other. It is better to postpone the revision of gifts until the morning and do what the first wedding night is intended for - love.