Parents cannot rejoice if the child grows up flexible and calm. They get used to it and do not even suspect that this will not always be the case. Something in the baby's behavior may suddenly change. He does not give in to any persuasion, often begins to cry and be capricious.

The kid shows with all his appearance what awaits understanding from adults. Changes in his behavior sometimes confuse them and make them want to stop the ugliness and whims immediately. You should understand that this behavior is not yet established, the child is still looking for a mechanism to influence you. If he realizes that you can achieve what you want by crying, whims, pulling his hair, screaming, then your communication with him will be so constantly. If the child is made to understand that such excesses will not lead to the achievement of the goal, he will stop being capricious, crying, and screaming. In some cases, learn to ignore it. Sometimes this will be the best solution to the problem. The child will quickly stop crying and being capricious if there are no people nearby trying to calm him down. Compassionate viewers only amplify the baby's crying and whims, but try not to overdo it. If you react too harshly, the child will remember your reaction to bad behavior, misinterpret this situation and perceive it as a reward for his action. He may again feel the urge to repeat these actions that cause you such violent resentment. You must be consistent in your actions. Once you have forbidden something to the child, continue to insist on it and explain that this should not be done. He will see your constancy, and it will be easier for him to accept the rules of conduct. But if today you forbid jumping in a puddle, and tomorrow you allow it, then the child can be confused, and it will be more difficult to convince him that lying in a puddle is bad. It is necessary to react quickly to such behavior of the child. If he does something illegal, immediately sternly and immediately say: "No". If this act is repeated again, forbid it again and try to take the baby to another place. Be sure to praise the child for good behavior. If his attention is constantly focused on negative actions, then he may deliberately repeat them in order to get your attention. Try to form a positive attitude in the baby's behavior. By creating a supportive atmosphere at home, you will reduce his desire to be constantly in opposition. Reduce the number of activities that are prohibited for the baby. Remove those items that he cannot take; on the control panel of various equipment located in the house, use plastic plugs; close the doors of rooms and lockers, which the child should not get into, on special devices. At the moment of an attack, try to switch the child's attention to some other activity. Provide more activity both indoors and outdoors. If you left him alone at home, turn on children's stories and songs for him. But not the TV, which will cause overexcitement. It is mesmerizing, but the constant change of episodes on the screen can become a serious irritant for the child's psyche.