What To Do If The Child's Temperature Does Not Go Astray

What To Do If The Child's Temperature Does Not Go Astray
What To Do If The Child's Temperature Does Not Go Astray

If the child has a high fever, then paracetamol and ibuprofen can bring it down. If necessary, these two components can be alternated. If the temperature does not go astray, then the doctor can give the child a lytic injection.

How to bring down the temperature of a child
How to bring down the temperature of a child

An increase in temperature is the body's response to attacking viruses and bacteria. It is believed that if the child does not have a tendency to convulsive reactions, then you should not try to bring down the temperature below 38, 5 degrees. If the baby is registered with a neurologist, is less than 8 months old, then antipyretic drugs can be given as soon as the thermometer reaches 38 degrees.

How to bring down the temperature?

Today, in stores, basically all drugs are divided according to the active substance. Relieve fever with paracetamol and ibuprofen. Despite the fact that both drugs are approved for use in pediatrics, modern research shows that the second component is more effective. In addition, it does not negatively affect the child's liver. If you cannot bring down the temperature of the baby, it is advisable to use medicinal antipyretic drugs in suppositories. They start to act much faster. In some cases, it is advisable to combine these two components, that is, to alternate them.

What to do before the antipyretic starts to work?

A cool compress will help to alleviate the condition of the child, as well as to bring down the temperature for a while. A little vinegar is added to the water (there should be enough so that you can easily taste this liquid). The compress is placed on the forehead, wrists and ankles. Periodically, wipe the baby's body with a damp cloth. The liquid temperature should be about 36 degrees. This method can only be used by those children who have not had seizures or neuralgic diseases before. Another condition is that hands and feet must be warm. If they are cold, then this is a sign of vasospasm and the help of a doctor is definitely needed.

Please note that while the child has a high temperature, you should not wrap him up too much: it is best to leave him in swimming trunks alone. Pediatricians do not recommend keeping the baby in diapers at this time.


If you call a doctor, your child will most likely get an injection of diphenhydramine and diphenhydramine. This tool knocks down the temperature very quickly. But it is not recommended to do such an injection yourself. In some cases, a lytic injection is given. In this case, the drug contains analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. After it, the temperature drops to normal levels within 15 minutes. This procedure is carried out no more than once every six hours.
