After the baby is born, a young mother will have to face a lot of problems. One of them can be a lack of breast milk to feed the baby.

Step 1
Eat well. A nursing mother spends 500 kcal on milk production every day, so it is important that the woman replenishes the lost energy. Of course, a young mother wants to get in shape as quickly as possible, but an exhausted body will not be able to produce milk in the required amount. Postpone dieting until breastfeeding is over, because your baby's needs are more important than losing a few pounds.
Step 2
Feed your baby on demand. The hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible for breast milk. Their production occurs during the sucking of the baby's mother's breast. Therefore, the more often the baby is applied, the more milk will be.
Step 3
Get enough sleep and take time to rest. Overwork slows down the production of prolactin and oxytocin. Try sleeping with your baby. After a few days, you will get used to feeding him almost without waking up at night. Thus, you will ensure yourself a full night's rest. Don't try to do all the chores yourself. First of all, you are a mom. Some of the non-baby cares can be taken over by your relatives.
Step 4
Do not be nervous. The adrenaline produced during stress suppresses prolactin production. Try to create a pleasant atmosphere at home. If something makes you feel uncomfortable, ask your family to solve the problem.
Step 5
Drink 8-10 glasses of liquid a day. This will not affect the amount of milk produced, but it will be easier for the baby to suck food from the breast, he will be more willing to do this and, as mentioned above, more milk will be produced.
Step 6
At the pharmacy, you can buy teas to increase lactation and tablets based on royal jelly. They help to strengthen the mother's body, have a calming effect.