People do not spend all of their work time doing things. They communicate, strike up friendships, fall in love, flare up with passion. But to besiege a colleague who is inflamed with love for you is much easier than to refuse a boss, on whom your future depends.

Step 1
It can often be difficult to distinguish molestation from ordinary attention and participation. A woman may think that the boss is kind to her, and the boss will be in complete confidence that the lady is pleased with his courtship. In order not to give a man false hopes, stop any actions of the boss that are unpleasant to you. Kissing when meeting, hugging around the waist - if this way of greeting, in your opinion, goes beyond the boundaries, ask the boss not to do this and introduce another ritual - shake hands with the boss or do a playful knixen when you meet.
Step 2
Try to discuss only neutral topics with your boss, or carry on conversations about work. Politely but persistently turn off intimate conversations, refuse invitations to go somewhere together, even if, at first glance, this is an absolutely innocent walk in the park or meeting in a cafe. In this case, the intelligent boss will abandon plans to get to know you better.
Step 3
Let your boss and coworkers know you have a loved one. Ask your partner (if there is none at the moment, let a friend or brother play his role) to meet you after work. At lunchtime, call the man and have a nice chat with him, uttering a bunch of affectionate words and setting up plans for the evening, while not hiding too much from the boss. Put a picture of him on your desktop and, if asked, say that you are happy in your personal life.
Step 4
Don't accept gifts from your boss. Say that you are embarrassed, you will feel uncomfortable if the boss spends money on you, colleagues will surely envy that the present was given to you, and you do not want quarrels in the team.
Step 5
If the persistent boss does not understand the hints, he is not embarrassed by the fact that you have a permanent young man, firmly say no. Bitter words can be sweetened by reminders that you respect your boss as a leader, he is a great professional, and you enjoy working with him. If you are afraid for your future career, remind your boss that for such an intelligent and experienced person, your minor disagreement will certainly not become an obstacle to further fruitful work.
Step 6
Unfortunately, there are vindictive men who are ready to do anything to achieve a girl. Blackmail can be used, promises to deprive you of your job and write a letter of recommendation that will not allow you to find another job. In this case, you have two options: collect witnesses from colleagues and go to court, or start looking for a new job.