The time spent with parents is remembered by children for a long time, leaving warmth, affection and a sense of security and need. But for fresh impressions and development, he needs a change of vivid life pictures. Therefore, many parents, at the slightest opportunity, take their baby and go on an unforgettable journey with the whole family.

To reduce to a minimum unforeseen difficulties and worries, to get pleasure and a lot of positive emotions from the trip on which you decide to take your child with you, think in advance about the route, food, fun and the range of clothing you need on the road.
It is important to look at the upcoming follow-up plan through the eyes of a baby, taking into account age and individual characteristics. The smaller the baby, the faster he gets tired of a large crowd of people and unfamiliar terrain. What may be of interest to you does not always bring joy to the little man. Try to accustom yourself to travel gradually, lengthening the time of each next trip.
As for a specific place of rest, then parents should approach its choice with all responsibility. You need to understand that a trip to tropical countries with a small child, especially for a week and a half, can only bring you disappointment and reduced immunity for the baby. In addition, for such trips, the baby needs to have several vaccinations in advance.
The ideal option would be to choose a country with climatic conditions similar to the region of permanent residence and located at a sufficient distance from the sea. Central European states are fine. If your vacation will last for a month or more, then you can choose a resort with a warm mild climate. In this case, you must follow all possible precautions in relation to the baby.
On the road, the best menu is familiar and familiar food. Baby food, high-calorie fruits and juices will protect the baby and the parental nervous system. Stick to basic regimen and avoid overfeeding.
If a child is breastfed, it is important to know that it is not recommended to transfer him to artificial formula less than a month before departure and earlier than 14 days after return.
During the trip, you especially need to pay attention to the choice of drinking water in order to avoid possible problems associated with poisoning, colic.
The upbringing of the kid takes place through the game. Here character traits appear, habits accumulate and a personality is formed. And on the road, repetitive landscapes and other people's faces get bored very quickly and difficulties arise. Here toys, window stickers, drawings, books, soft animals and talking tutorials, equipped with music and colorful illustrations, will come to the rescue.
Collect your favorite set of children's clothing for all occasions of capricious and unpredictable weather: comfortable, light and beautiful. Don't forget to take diapers on the road. There should be enough of them for the duration of the journey. A new pack can usually be bought at the holiday destination. It is also good to take a sling, ergo backpack or other carrier for a child with you on a trip. This will greatly facilitate life outside the home - walks will become much more comfortable for both parents and baby.
It is more convenient to travel with a baby by car: you can stop for feeding, move around and relax. The plane also in this case will not cause great difficulties, because most of the time the baby will sleep. Toddlers over 1 year old on the plane behave, on the contrary, very actively and require increased attention.
The preschooler will endure a bus ride: he will feel the role of a passenger and show respect for others. And it will be more useful for a schoolchild to travel by rail or plane: perseverance is hardened and the horizons expand.
Before your upcoming adventures, be sure to talk to your baby and explain in more detail where to go. Gathering on the road, anticipation of unknown places, will create intrigue and a desire to quickly make the chosen path.