What Does The Name Nikita Mean

What Does The Name Nikita Mean
What Does The Name Nikita Mean

The name Nikita from the Greek language sounds like "victorious", "win", "winner". The main character traits laid down in the owner of this name are the giftedness of his personality, the desire for leadership and the presence of an excellent memory.

Nikita is an irreplaceable worker and careerist
Nikita is an irreplaceable worker and careerist

What does the name Nikita mean in childhood

Little Nikita is growing up as an intelligent and quick-witted boy. He is very careful in communicating with people around him: Nikita does not immediately enter into a conversation with strangers or unfamiliar people, he will first take a closer look at them. It is important for Nikita to get to know the person better, and only then to come into contact with him. As a child, Nikita is a gifted boy, from an early age various talents are revealed in him. In addition, Nikita himself develops and trains them with great pleasure.

From his father, the boy mainly inherits character, and from his mother - appearance. Little Nikita always listens to the advice of his parents. The boy grows up as a grateful child, his parents are practically not disappointed in him. Nikita treats her peers with respect. At school, the boy studies mostly well. They usually say about such people: they catch everything on the fly. Like any child, he has his favorite and least favorite school disciplines.

The meaning of the name Nikita in adulthood

Adult Nikita is a purposeful and selfish guy. He always knows his own worth. This person is persistent, stubborn and straightforward. He would never tolerate being guided by himself. At the same time, in some situations Nikita can be quite sensual and sometimes vulnerable young man. Adult man Nikita is seriously interested in mechanics and music. He loves to drive and can spend hours in his garage. Sometimes the owners of this name create their own musical groups.

What does the name Nikita mean in a career

Holders of this name are irreplaceable workers. They are executive, they always think over their every step to the smallest detail. Nikita is a purposeful person, he is used to achieving his goals. This is why the leadership values him. All this allows Nikita to quickly climb the career ladder. Moreover, Nikita also helps his colleagues. Concepts such as competition or professional intrigue are alien to him. Nikita makes good leaders.

The meaning of the name Nikita in the family

The owners of the name Nikita are mostly charming people, they are appreciated by women. But for Nikita himself, any hobby for him on the part of another person is nothing more than a light flirtation. Often these men break the hearts of their admirers. Nevertheless, the hour comes and Nikita gets married. In the family, he is not the main one, because he honors and values his wife. Often from Nikita henpecked are obtained. It is curious that this state of affairs suits them quite well. Nikita is a caring and kind father.
