A woman's dream is to find a partner who will always be faithful to her. After all, even an independent, independent lady who adheres to the principle of free relationships is very unpleasant to find out that her beloved is carried away by another woman. But are there even such men who do not cheat on their partners?

Step 1
What categories of men are not prone to cheating? Of course, each person is purely individual, and it is simply impossible to predict his behavior with one hundred percent probability. However, psychologists say that there are some types of men who are at least at risk.
Step 2
Sissy. Such a man, from childhood adoring his mother and accustomed to treating her every word as the ultimate truth, very often transfers the same attitude to his partner. That is, he values his beloved woman so much that the very thought of a possible betrayal seems to him absurd and dishonorable. However, from mama's sons, not only noble knights can grow, but (very often) weak-willed henpecked ones. Not to mention constant checks, claims from a loving mother, who needs to make sure that her "treasure" has fallen into reliable hands.
Step 3
Overly responsible man. There are men who sincerely consider themselves to be responsible for everything and for everyone. The complex "I owe everyone" is so strongly developed in them that the mere thought of a possible betrayal of a partner causes fear and painful remorse. Such a partner, most likely, will never change, but living with such a person is a very dubious pleasure. In addition, relatives, loved ones, friends and acquaintances very often use his responsibility and reliability, which also does not improve their life together.
Step 4
An overly decent young man. Such men are very proud of their firm principles, puritanical upbringing. They do not cheat on their beloved women, because it is simply indecent. They say that decent men do not behave like that. Partners from them really turn out to be faithful, but with them it is often just boring. And in their intimate life, as a rule, they behave in a constrained, monotonous manner, not allowing even the thought of fantasy, various forms of sex.
Step 5
An overly complex guy. A man who sincerely considers himself a failure, unattractive neither externally nor internally, is terrified that his partner may lose interest in him. He will remain alone forever! Therefore, the thought of a possible betrayal does not even occur to him.
Step 6
But there is another category of men: those who simply love their partners very much and are happy with them. Become for your man the best, one and only, and then he will not even want to look at other ladies. And you will not be tormented by the thought: "Is he cheating on me?"