Children can often face a variety of physical and mental health problems. It is necessary that not only the parents, but also the child himself, know where to turn for help in this or that case.

Step 1
Explain to your child where to call if something happens to him. Tell him the main telephone numbers of the city rescue services - 01, 02 and 03, as well as 112 - for calls from a mobile phone. Tell us in what cases you need to immediately dial the appropriate number. If a child, for example, already attends school on his own and walks on the street, you should buy him a cell phone. Be sure to include your mobile phone numbers, including home and office numbers in his telephone directory.
Step 2
Make sure the child knows where the next of kin and close friends of your family live, who can help the child if needed. Their phone numbers should also be in his directory. Introduce the child to the neighbors in the stairwell.
Step 3
Tell your child where the nearest hospitals, police stations, and safe, crowded places are located - supermarkets, squares, etc. If it is not possible to use the phone, the child should immediately go there.
Step 4
Tell your child the phone number of the anonymous help and support center, where he can safely call if he finds himself in an unpleasant situation, but does not want to tell his parents about it. This is especially important if the child, for example, is subjected to frequent ridicule and pressure from peers at school and on the street, he has complexes, etc.
Step 5
Be aware of where and what kind of help is being provided to children in your city. Find out which medical institutions are suitable for the treatment of certain diseases, whether there are psychological centers in the district. It is especially important to know if the child has any latent disease that can manifest itself at any time. In this case, you should know where you need to take him immediately. It is also important to know the phone numbers of the child's friends in order to be aware of where and with whom he is.