People are social creatures, so it is extremely difficult for us to live without the approval of others. Respect is the highest degree of social approval, so it is not easy to achieve it. But if you firmly follow your moral principles and respect the needs of the people around you, you will certainly be able to gain respect for yourself.

- Moral principles
- Willpower
- Courage
Step 1
To gain respect, the main thing is to be a man of his word. If you said you would do something, be sure to do it. After all, respect is given to someone who can be trusted. If others feel that you cannot be relied upon, then they will definitely not respect you.
Step 2
To gain respect, be honest. You will be surprised to learn how much respect you can gain by telling the truth, instead of building labyrinths of lies to keep you out of trouble.
Step 3
Be the person who is not afraid to speak out against bullies. This does not mean that you should always argue and fight with someone who looks like a bully. But if someone is really hurting others, then don't be afraid to stand up and ask the boozer to stop. If you take care of the rights of others, you will surely gain respect.
Step 4
To gain respect, be sure to reward others when they do something good. When you let others know that you value them, they value and respect you in return. But do not overdo it - thank people only for those actions that are worth it. Be sincere and selfless about this.