Breast milk is very important for a baby during the first months of his life. But sooner or later a moment comes when the mother realizes that it is time for her baby to switch to self-feeding. There are situations when weaning must happen quickly, for example, in the case of a mother's illness, the appointment of strong medications to her, or a woman goes to work. Weaning a baby quickly is not an easy task.

Step 1
Change your feeding environment. If you used to feed your baby in the nursery, move him, for example, to the bedroom or living room. Try to change the very form of presentation: turn on calm music, tell the baby an interesting fairy tale or story from life, sing a song.
Step 2
Let dad put the baby to sleep, so the baby will not see your breasts and smell your favorite treat. Spend maximum time with your baby during the day, inventing new games and entertainment for him, trying to distract him from thinking about milk. If the child still remembers him, tell him that the milk is over, and instead offer the crumbs a delicious compote, juice or tea.
Step 3
If your baby is crying and craving for breast milk, without receiving his usual portion of breast milk, try to distract him with something. Read a book with him, play his favorite game, listen to music. After the entertainment, pour the crumbs a cup of tea or juice. Perhaps by this time he will have forgotten about his request.
Step 4
When starting to feed your baby, offer him not breast, but other food, for example, mashed potatoes, soup or milk mixture, if the baby is still very small. Then breastfeed him. This way, when you’re already full, your baby will spend less time at your breast than usual. Gradually increase the portion of your meal. So the baby will receive more and more of the food necessary for saturation and over time the need for additional feeding will disappear.
Step 5
Choose bright cups and bottles with beautiful pictures for feeding your baby. Of these, he will be much more willing to try new food than from faded and boring ones.
Step 6
If you feed your little one not on a schedule, but on demand, you still have to set at least some kind of schedule. You yourself must understand how long it takes for your baby to get hungry. Offer your baby a small snack, for example, use carrot juice if he starts to swear and demand food without waiting for the next feeding.