Talking to young children is sometimes difficult: you need to find such words and a topic of conversation in order to interest the child, to attract and keep his attention. At the same time, you need to speak calmly, simply and figuratively, so that the baby understands everything.

Small children are so touching that adults dream of holding them in their arms, admiring how they play. However, when it comes to talking with kids, difficulties immediately arise: what to talk to them about, how to interest and attract?
What to talk about with children
When talking with a child, parents or other adults do not need to be afraid that you will offend the child in some way or that he will not understand you. You just need to remember yourself a little at a young age and think about what occupied your thoughts in those distant years, what was interesting to you and what frightened you in a conversation with adults. It is best to communicate with a child based on his ideas about the world, then you will definitely find a common language. However, do not forget that you are smarter and wiser than him, so even if you can't get a conversation right away, you can fix it by observing a few rules.
You need to ask the kids about what is close to them: what toys or cartoons they like, what games they know, what they are doing in kindergarten or school. As soon as an adult starts talking about something interesting for the child himself, he himself will tell and paint the events of the day or the adventures of his favorite characters. But for this you need to show sincere interest, express in intonation how you are frightened or admired by the baby's story. Children are sensitive to falsehood, so you will lose their trust if you do something else while they tell you. Babies are also pleased when adults play with them. It is best for the child to tell you about the rules of the game, to show you what to do and how to do it. You also need to be included in the game completely, even if only for half an hour, but without being distracted by other things, actively having fun with the children. Then communication will improve quite quickly, and the child's trust will be unlimited.
Do not be surprised if young children make up stories on the go that Baba Yaga was hunting them or that they saw a fairy princess. Children see the world very figuratively, so even simple weather phenomena, shadows, rustles can be transformed into a real fantasy. However, if children start to flirt, play naughty, be capricious, behave very noisy, fight or litter, you must turn into a serious adult again and strictly say what kids can and cannot do. It is unreasonable in all areas of communication with a child to allow him to take over leadership in communication, sometimes you need to be able to declare your position.
How to best talk to young children
Consider the child's age when communicating. You need to talk even with newborn children, repeating sounds after them and, as it were, imitating them. All loving parents do this and this is quite normal. However, you do not need to lisp with the baby all the time, otherwise he will perceive just such communication as the norm. But you should not constantly use smart words and long phrases with children - they simply will not be able to concentrate and understand what an adult wants. Moreover, this applies even to older children. The smaller the child, the simpler the language should be and the brighter your intonation, expression and lip movements should be. In addition, the conversation should only touch on those concepts that the child already knows about, which are based on his experience, otherwise he will quickly lose attention.
An adult's speech should be measured and quiet. If you speak quickly, the child will not understand even half of the statement. Emotional conversation also affects him, his attention is simply turned off at some point, his gaze becomes absent-minded, and the baby is carried away by contemplating the picture outside the window or observing other people. You do not need to speak loudly either, so you will only teach the child to scream. But even small children perceive whispering with difficulty, which means that you need to talk with them in an even voice, so they will feel more protected.