Physiological changes in the body during pregnancy are regulated by the hormonal and central nervous system. It is because of the incorrect operation of these systems that at first the body cannot immediately adapt to a new state and reacts with the appearance of nausea, increased fatigue, and dizziness. Toxicosis is early, occurring at 5-6 weeks of gestation, and late - after the 20th week.

If the symptoms of early toxicosis can be reduced and even completely eliminated at home, then late toxicosis is dangerous. With late toxicosis, pronounced signs of pathology are observed: swelling of the legs, arms, face, rapid weight gain, high blood pressure. In these cases, urgent medical attention and a hospital are required.
Early toxicosis
To be or not to be toxicosis depends primarily on the state of health of the woman. Chronic diseases, increased nervous excitability, intoxication, nicotine and alcohol dependence, metabolic disorders - this is only an approximate list of factors that provoke the onset of toxicosis.
The manifestation of signs of toxicosis can occur already in the first weeks from the moment of conception. This is early toxicosis, the main indicators of which are nausea and vomiting. Depending on the frequency of gagging, three degrees of early toxicosis are distinguished - mild, moderate and severe. With vomiting up to 4-5 times a day, a mild degree is determined, up to 10 times - medium, with 25 or more - severe. Moderate and severe toxicosis is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the child. In this case, you need to seek help from a specialist.
Early toxicosis is sometimes accompanied by profuse salivation, which can lead to dehydration. In this case, you need a lot of liquid: you need to drink often, but in small portions. To reduce salivation, rinsing with infusions of chamomile, sage and oak bark will help, which have an astringent effect on the oral mucosa.
If the biochemical analyzes of a pregnant woman are within normal limits, but nausea, vomiting, and aversion to food remain, it is necessary, first of all, to provide psychological comfort, normal rest, and sleep. There are medications prescribed by your doctor to reduce vomiting. Insomnia, increased irritability are also signs of toxicosis, which can be eliminated with the help of mild sedatives. Without the recommendation of a doctor, you can drink tincture of valerian and motherwort.
It is important to remember that taking any medication, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, can have an adverse effect on the fetus. Therefore, no amateur performance, follow strictly the advice of your doctor.
But you can help your body in harmless ways to get rid of exhausting nausea. It is only important to observe some restrictions.
Nutrition and exercise for early toxicosis
The main principle of treatment is do no harm. And for a pregnant woman, the task is even more important - not to harm not only herself, but also the future baby. A special and uncomplicated diet will help in this.
Meals should be repeated, every 2-3 hours, and not abundant. The menu should include: boiled meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, fish. Do not eat fried, spicy foods. It is not recommended to drink carbonated drinks and coffee, replace them with green tea and freshly squeezed juices. Chamomile, lemon balm and mint tea has a calming effect. For severe nausea, prepare pumpkin infusion: pour boiling water over a few small pieces of pumpkin and leave for about an hour.
Traditional medicine offers many natural herbal recipes for toxicosis. But herbs, thanks to compounds such as glucosides and alkaloids, may not be as harmless as they seem, and cause serious harm to health.
If any food causes vomiting, you can try a dry diet. No soup, gravy, tea sandwiches. Enough hard boiled eggs, crackers, cookies, cheese. Vegetables and fruits are best consumed separately from the main food.
Try not to make sudden movements after eating, and if you feel dizzy, lie down and breathe deeply.
In the morning, without getting out of bed, have a snack with a crouton, eat dried apricots, nuts, a small piece of hard cheese.
Chewing dry tea leaves or a slice of lemon sometimes helps to eliminate an attack of nausea.
Physical activity during this period should be minimal, but this does not exclude the obligatory daily walks in the fresh air. Do not wrap yourself up, overheating contributes to nausea.
Monitor your bowel health. Regular cleansing removes toxins from the body. Eat fermented milk products, or even better, prepare live yogurt and yogurt yourself. Eat a slice of boiled beets at night.
Listen to calm and melodic music. Look at beautiful things. Enjoy your future baby. Your mental attitude has a direct impact on your physical condition. Recent research in the field of color therapy has shown that the combination of blue and purple colors provokes nausea. Even if it is your favorite combination, temporarily exclude it from your surroundings.