How To Stop Depending On Your Husband

How To Stop Depending On Your Husband
How To Stop Depending On Your Husband

Table of contents:


From time immemorial, the following family model has developed: the husband is the breadwinner and protector, the wife is the keeper of the hearth, that is, the housewife and educator of children. It has both pros and cons. And, perhaps, the most significant drawback is that in this case the wife is almost completely dependent on her husband, since the family lives on his income. Some woman takes this completely calmly, reasonably believing that housekeeping is also work, and not easy. Others feel psychological discomfort.

How to stop depending on your husband
How to stop depending on your husband


Step 1

Of course, each family solves this problem differently. However, you should have your own personal source of income. This, firstly, would increase your self-esteem ("I also contribute to the family budget"), and secondly, it would save you from psychological discomfort and anxiety.

Step 2

For example, if you had your own home before marriage, and then you moved to your husband, the vacated apartment can be rented out. Many residents of large cities do this, earning very good income.

Step 3

The era of the Internet provides a lot of opportunities for earning money at home. You can write articles to order, provide assistance in the design and content of sites, give paid consultations on those issues in which you are well versed. You just need to show desire and perseverance in search of such a job. Yes, it is possible that at first the earnings will be very modest, but the main thing is to start.

Step 4

If you have "golden hands", then, as they say, "God himself ordered" to earn extra money with needlework. Sewing, knitting, embroidery. Clientele can be searched for on the corresponding sites on the same Internet or among friends, neighbors, using word of mouth.

Step 5

You can earn extra money by tutoring. The amount of earnings varies greatly depending on many factors: place of residence, the number of students, their level of training, and the requirements. In large cities, a good tutor can earn a very substantial sum. In small towns and villages, of course, much less. However, this is real money that will never be wasted.

Step 6

And, of course, you can say goodbye to the role of a housewife by getting a permanent job. Ideally, for a shorter working day. Smaller earnings will then more than pay off with the time that a woman can safely spend on household chores, and on herself, without haste, fuss and hassle.
