How to stop depending on a person is a mystery over which many people around the world are racking their brains. There are many options for getting rid of this kind of addiction, but there is no definite answer that will help in all cases. Therefore, here are some effective tips for dealing with this scourge.

- - the desire to break the vicious circle of addiction;
- - persistence and self-confidence.
Step 1
Try to understand yourself, to understand what exactly makes you addicted to a certain person. With the right introspection, you can develop a plan for further effective action. To do this, psychologists recommend writing on a sheet of paper all the negative qualities of a given person and re-reading them as often as possible, each time answering the question: "And why do you need him that way?"
Step 2
Try switching to something else. Find for yourself a new hobby, hobby, devote more time to study or work. Try to be more often in the company of close friends and optimistic people who give you only positive emotions.
Step 3
The next method is popularly called "knock out a wedge by a wedge". Make your addiction a more worthy person who would only bring joy and pleasure from your relationship. However, this option has a significant disadvantage: your problem will decrease, but it will not disappear. If you do not get rid of it completely, sooner or later it may reassert itself.
Step 4
Based on the opinion of most psychologists, people with low self-esteem and lack of love in childhood usually suffer from addiction. Therefore, you need to try to love and accept yourself as you are.
Step 5
To do this, do the following exercise: relax, get into a comfortable position and slow down your breathing. When you feel completely relaxed, visualize the path in your mind's eye that leads you back to childhood. A small child, about four years old, is standing on the road. This child is you.
Step 6
Walk up to the baby, take him by the hand, hug him and tell him that you love him very much and will not hurt anyone. Play around with it and slowly return back along the same path. After this exercise, you will feel joy and relief.
Step 7
See a specialist psychologist. This is a fallback in case you cannot overcome your dependence on a person on your own. Good luck in this difficult struggle! Believe in yourself and you will succeed.