If you stop loving your boyfriend, then you should not spoil his life with a lack of reciprocity. You need to talk, correctly prioritize and, of course, talk about how you fell out of love with him. How? There are some tips to help you preserve fond memories of each other, without unnecessary negativity.

When love ends, the couple is always faced with the issue of separation. It rises especially sharply when the breakup occurs through the fault of the girl. Because her feelings for the guy are over. How can I tell him about it? How can you try to settle the conflict that will inevitably arise?
Only truth
Girls tend to dodge in every possible way in serious and unpleasant conversations. But if this is a conversation about extinct feelings, then this is not worth doing. The only thing a guy really wants to hear is the truth, whatever it is. For example, if a girl fell out of love for her own reasons, then maybe you shouldn't voice them all, but at least tell them in general terms. Honesty with someone you once loved cannot be superfluous or irrelevant.
Work on yourself
Girls tend to love and stop loving several times a day. Therefore, before you say that the feelings have passed, you should carefully think about whether love really is gone. It is possible that this is just a temporary crisis in the relationship. If, after all the thought, the decision remains unchanged, then it is necessary to say that love has passed. How exactly? In a personal conversation, face to face. Such things are never discussed in any other format. Only in person. Tell the young man that you no longer feel romantic attachment to him, but only purely friendly feelings. And be sure to emphasize the fact that this is not his fault. That it happened, regardless of anyone, that it just happened.
No cruelty
In the modern world, it has long been out of fashion to breed scandals and quarrels. And you need to part in a civilized way. You should not blame your young man for all the sins, just give him a chance for a new life, but without you. There is no need to list all his shortcomings and humiliate him, because once you chose him among other young people, fell in love. And if your love is gone, you shouldn't look for the guilty ones. Just let go and wish you happiness. Sincerely and with all my heart.
If the guy's reaction was too negative, you don't need to try to prove and explain something to him. Give him time to deal with the situation on his own, let off steam. Do not try to make friends, as it may hurt him too much. Let go and forget, move forward. Talk about your non-love, without waiting for any date or reason. If the decision is ripe for you, then speak directly and openly at once.