Falling in love comes imperceptibly and quickly: yesterday you were just friends or did not know about each other's existence at all, and today you tremble at the sound of this voice. Women are used to trusting their ears, but men, as luck would have it, are in no hurry with confessions, even if feelings are no longer a secret to anyone. However, you can understand that a guy is in love with you even before he decides to have a frank conversation.

Step 1
If a man looks you straight in the eyes, then he is more than determined in relation to you. If you're willing to reciprocate, try to make eye contact as well.
Step 2
The crazy feeling of falling in love is always associated with erotic attraction. So, most likely, a man who is not indifferent to you will demonstrate an undisguised interest in you. This is not about vulgar harassment, but about involuntary gestures that betray desire. These include widely spaced legs, thumbs behind the belt, shaking, stroking hair. But, paradoxically, a truly in love man will not force things until you give him a sign. He will wait for the moment of intimacy as long as you ask, because passion in him is combined with an infinitely gentle attitude.
Step 3
At the first stage of a relationship, a man worships a woman and is most afraid of scaring her away. Therefore, if before a friend or colleague could tell a scabrous anecdote in front of you, make a rude joke or afford a strong word, and now he has become impeccably gallant, it is probably not far off that dinner offers are not far off.
Step 4
The man with whom you are starting an affair, was carried away by your favorite rock band, French poetry, took up your adored sand painting or kite surfing? He seems to be in love. After all, it is this feeling that pushes you to feats, when you want to know as best as possible how your half lives.