Breaking up is almost always painful and difficult, even if it is clear that it cannot be avoided. Tormented by the fear of the unknown, the fear that without a man it will be even worse than with him, unwillingness to decide on such a difficult step. Common plans, friends, memories are burdensome - everything that will trouble the heart for a long time. However, if you decide to leave, do not delay the parting.

Looking at the past, we often wear rose-colored glasses and cannot understand why we were unhappy. Preparing for a breakup, people often begin to idealize their partners and, as a result, cannot decide to break up. It doesn't matter what reason made you choose to break up over living together. If this reason was and it turned out to be serious enough, make up your mind. Remind yourself of unpleasant moments, what annoys you about your partner, and especially what is constantly pushing you to break up. Take off your rose-colored glasses.
You may be intimidated by the prospect of being alone. However, if this fear arises, think about what you are missing out on maintaining the relationship you want to end. Maybe another person is waiting for you - someone who will love, someone who can make you really happy. Don't deprive yourself of the opportunity to become free and find true love. Yes, parting is a loss, but it is also a chance of gain, the price of future happiness. You are not leaving happiness, but on the contrary, you are heading towards it.
When deciding to part, it is very important to understand that the time spent with a person was not in vain. You have gained valuable experience, experienced a lot of both bad and good moments, learned something, learned something. Please accept this with gratitude. Constantly tormented by resentment and guilt, you will not be able to easily start a new life, so accept what you have experienced and let the person go, let him go his own way. Let there be no more omissions between you. If you think you are guilty of something, sincerely ask for forgiveness, but do not make excuses. Just say you're sorry.
Often we cannot leave a partner with whom we have spent several months or even years, because we are afraid that it will be difficult for him to get over the breakup. There is no need to be tormented by feelings of guilt. Do not make long goodbyes: a short last conversation without reproaches, and even more so without scandals, will be enough. By putting an end, you do not burn all the bridges, and in the future, if the need arises, you can return to the one you are leaving from and start all over again.
Finally, to get through a tough time in your life, you can start keeping a journal. Trust him with your doubts, emotions, fears, ask yourself questions and look for answers. This kind of silent conversation will help you to more easily decide on a breakup and get through it.