Why Parents Are The Foundation Of Parenting

Why Parents Are The Foundation Of Parenting
Why Parents Are The Foundation Of Parenting

Parental care and love are leading in the upbringing process. For successful personality formation, it is necessary to make the child feel loved and appreciated. In upbringing, parental authority is of great importance, the influence that mom and dad have.

Parents as the basis of education
Parents as the basis of education

There is a connection between the characteristics of a particular family, the educational environment and the psychological climate. In a psychologically prosperous family, a purposeful, persistent personality is formed, capable of giving affection and care to their children. The main prerequisites for education are:

- properly organized life;

- the regime of the child in the family.

Parents are the basis of upbringing

The answer to the question "Why are parents the basis of upbringing?" is reflected in the works of A. S. Makarenko, V. I. Panova, G. P. Pozdnyakova and some other scientists. They argued that only through upbringing is it possible to fully convey social and historical experience, to systematically influence the consciousness and behavior of a person, to provide the necessary conditions for further development, to prepare for social life and professional activity.

Parental care is the leading form of educational activity. It determines how much time and energy parents can devote to their babies. It depends on love and care how happy childhood will be. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said that the child must be sure that he is loved very much and infinitely. This creates the prerequisites for the normal formation of the personality, for the emergence of a sense of security and an inner sense of comfort. The task of the parents is to make the child understand that he is also a member of the family and should take care of others as they do in relation to him.

Parental authority as a condition for family education

Authority does not appear by itself, it must be formed in every family. Sometimes parents organize it on false grounds, as mentioned in his works by A. S. Makarenko. This type includes the authority of kindness, when practically everything is allowed to the child, and the baby grows up in an atmosphere of fulfillment of any whim or whim. The result of such upbringing is a person with exorbitant claims, demands, who does not recognize any prohibitions. There are the following types of false authorities:

- conceited pride;

- pedantry;

- bribery;

- reasonableness;

- distances.

It is difficult to gain authority in the eyes of a son or daughter. Its obligatory elements are the opinion about relatives and friends, the behavior of parents in the family circle and outside it, the actions of adult family members. Thus, the authority of parents is the influence of the father and mother on upbringing, which is based on mutual respect and trust.
