The first sex, both for him and for her, is a big event in life, memorable for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it so that the memories of it are only pleasant. If in doubt, whether it’s worth it, it’s better to wait.

Step 1
Before the first sex, girls are afraid: will it hurt. But, according to statistics, only 30% of women feel pain during the first injection, and blood loss, as a rule, is purely symbolic. To make defloration painless, the penis should be inserted into the vagina abruptly. If the bleeding is heavy and lasts more than 2 hours, see your doctor. In addition, many girls are afraid of getting pregnant. And not in vain: even a virgin can be fertilized during the first sex.
Step 2
Young people before the first sex are afraid that they will do something wrong and get into an awkward situation. Many do not know how to insert a member into a woman's vagina and how to make movements. The worries are exaggerated: most guys and girls do not reach orgasm during their first sex and do not even experience positive feelings. Many boys worry about the shape and size of their penis.
Step 3
Ideally, the first sex should take place after reaching adulthood and for love. As a rule, an innocent girl takes much longer to decide on intercourse than her boyfriend. Therefore, the guy should not put pressure on his girlfriend. In this case, the impressions from the first time will only be pleasant. For many, the first sexual intercourse is performed with a casual partner, in a casual setting, under the steam of alcohol. As a rule, after this comes disappointment and the girl (and the guy) is discouraged from repeating for a long time.
Step 4
Many couples in love prepare for their first sex long before it starts. They stock up on lubricants and contraceptives, carefully choose a place for intercourse. A light romantic dinner with a glass of wine is being prepared in front of him. They start with foreplay - kisses, caresses, hugs. As a rule, at a young age, men have no problems with erection. There are other problems: not everyone succeeds in putting on a condom the first time, lovers are ashamed of their nakedness, girls are horrified by the size of an erect penis.
Step 5
Most often, the first sex takes place in the missionary position, more rarely - in the knee-elbow position. As a rule, the first sex does not last very long: an inexperienced young man ejaculates prematurely, and the girl asks to stop if the process gives her inconvenience or pain. If there is nothing like this, the first sex can become quite long. A guy and a girl get acquainted with new sensations, get used to each other, try different poses and pace of movements.
Step 6
Usually, after the end of the first sex, the lovers lie together for a while, are silent, experiencing new sensations. Or take a shower together. Often a young man, tired after sex, falls asleep or leaves after intercourse.