The book "Kamasutra" is very popular - with its help it is so easy to diversify your intimate life! The pose "Man from behind" is very common, of course, there are many varieties of it - each of them will give you an unforgettable experience! Therefore, you should not dwell on just one of its variations.

Does a man like to be behind his partner? Why? So it is easy for them to feel like a leader - a man can spank his woman, pull her curls. What is there to hide, many men are excited by the mere thought that they can put their soul mate on their knees! In addition, in this position it is easier for a man to finish, and the position is also suitable for those guys who, for whatever reason, cannot look their girlfriend in the face during sex (and there are such cases).
Pose "Turtle"
In this position, the lady needs to kneel, hide her head between the spread legs, then you need to raise the buttocks, urging her partner to sit behind. A man needs to clasp the woman's hips with his legs, enter her, and, of course, he must hold her by the "fifth point". This position is convenient for those who do not like to overwork themselves with foreplay.
Pose "Frog in motion"
Here, the depth of entry together with the pace is completely set by the partner. He should take a position, as in the pose "Turtle", and the girl should squat down, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Place your feet on the floor to maintain balance. By the way, this is the disadvantage of the pose - it is unstable, but it is quite easy to finish in it! So many people like it.
Doggy Style Pose
A very common pose when the partner is behind. A man and a woman need to stand - the man behind. The lady rests her hands on the bed or table, legs apart. The man joins in behind, freely caressing the figure of his beloved with his hands. For convenience, you can put one leg of the lady on the table / bed - it will be more stable this way.
Pose "Twister"
An interesting version of the pose. The woman raises her hips up, the guy crouches on top, entering her. Movements are made by unbending / bending the knees. In this position, the girl gets an unforgettable orgasm! Of course, someone may not like it - how do you know if you don't try it?
It is worth trying out several variations of the "Man from behind" pose in order to understand which one is right for you! Feel free to experiment and add variety to your intimate life.