Every person, barely born into the world, already has relatives. There are at least two of them - a father and a mother. Many people have a large number of relatives from birth.

There is a specific name for each degree of kinship. Kinship can be blood and non-blood, arising as a result of marriage. The latter is called a property in another way.
Blood relatives
The closest relatives are the parents (mother and father) and their children. People who have common parents are called brothers and sisters. If there is only one common parent, such brothers and sisters are called incomplete: single uterine (common mother) or half-blood (common father).
Some of the nuances are introduced by the second marriage to the parent. The second wife of the father is in relation to his children from the first marriage a stepmother, and the second husband of the mother is a stepfather. Children in relation to a stepmother or stepfather are stepsons and stepdaughters.
The parents of the father or mother are grandparents. The parents of a grandfather or grandmother are called great-grandfather and great-grandmother, their parents are called great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother. Children of a son or daughter are called grandchildren, children of grandchildren are called great-grandchildren.
Children of a brother or sister are usually called nephews, and brothers and sisters of parents are called uncles and aunts (aunts).
For people with common ancestors in the second generation, the term "cousin" is used. For example, cousins are children of brothers and sisters of parents; they do not have common parents, but they have common grandparents. The parents' cousins and siblings are called cousins and aunts, and the nephews of cousins and cousins are called cousins. The brothers and sisters of the grandfather and grandmother are called great-uncles and grandmothers, and the grandchildren of the brothers and sisters are called grand-nephews.
In the presence of common ancestors in the third generation, the term "second cousins" is used in the same way.
When people marry, their family members enter into new family ties. In some cases, their names fit into the system of consanguinity terms. For example, an aunt's husband or an uncle's wife can be called an uncle or aunt, a nephew - not only of your nephew, but also of your spouse's nephew. But for most cousins, there are separate names.
The husband of the daughter is called the son-in-law, and the wife of the son is called the daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law. The husband's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law, the wife's parents are father-in-law and mother-in-law.
A husband's brother is called a brother-in-law, and his sister is called a sister-in-law. The brother of the wife is the brother-in-law, the sister of the wife is the sister-in-law.
Not only the wife of a son is called a daughter-in-law, but also the wife of a brother or brother-in-law. However, for the wife of a brother-in-law, there is another designation, which is now rarely heard - yatrov.
Spiritual relationship
Christians have a special relationship generated by the "second birth" of a person - the Sacrament of Baptism.
The receivers for the newly baptized become a godfather and godmother, and he becomes a godson for them. For the godson's parents and for each other, they become godfather and godfather. Parents are also called in relation to their child's godfathers.
Children of a godfather or godmother are godbrothers and sisters of the godson.
Once upon a time there was also such a thing as foster brothers and sisters. Such a bloodless "kinship" connected people who were fed by one woman, but who were not brothers and sisters. Currently, such feeding is prohibited by law, therefore, modern children will no longer have foster brothers and sisters.