A lot in family life depends on the woman. No matter how independent a man is, he largely depends on a woman. It is she who is the director and screenwriter in family life. The difficulty is that she should do it not intrusively, tactfully.

A woman is responsible for the weather in the house: well-groomed children, delicious dinner, cleanliness, order and comfort in the house depend on her. A sloppy wife, dirt and disorder are unlikely to please the father of the family. But here it is important to observe the golden mean: you should not turn into an eternal housewife, preoccupied with pots, pans, children and husband.
You should never forget about yourself: hairstyle, clothes, appearance. Don't get into the habit of walking at home in your favorite bathrobe. Dress simply but nicely in clean, tidy clothes. Don't forget light makeup. If a woman is not interesting to herself, she will not be interesting to another person either. In particular, to your chosen one. Try to be in demand at work, but don't overdo it.

In any case, the family should come first. Be interested in news, fashion, the latest discoveries of scientists, sports. In general, whatever you like. Do not forget about his hobbies, support and be interested in them.
Know how to listen: about work, about politics, about football, a new amazing action movie. Listen with genuine interest, stay up-to-date.
Do not sort things out with your husband in front of strangers, especially do not humiliate or shout at him in front of other people. Remember to do this in private, without involving relatives, children or friends.
Never speak ill of his parents or other relatives. It will be unpleasant for him. Better keep quiet tactfully.
Do not have the habit of reproaching your husband: firstly, he himself will understand his mistake, and secondly, he will be grateful for his tactful and delicate attitude.
Do not forget to praise your husband for what he did around the house, for his help, for his achievements, efforts and skills. Learn to be grateful. Tell him words of gratitude, words of love.
Ask your husband for help, do not try to do everything yourself. Sometimes a woman must be weak and defenseless.
Try to be beautiful and charming, loving and patient.