About Male Attractiveness

About Male Attractiveness
About Male Attractiveness

How can you increase your erotic capital - a set of traits that attract girls so much. Positive thinking and love of life, jokes and humor attract women to men quite well. Don't be sullen and silent. Comedians and comedians from the United States write in their memoirs that verbal skill more than once brought them to bed with beauties.

About male attractiveness
About male attractiveness

An important role in attracting the attention of girls is the appearance of a man. Broad-shouldered guys with masculine features are very pretty for women. If you have a small lower jaw, then mask it with a beard or bristles.

Use cosmetics to cleanse and soften your face daily. A striped T-shirt or a stylish jacket can visually make the shoulders wider. Also, frequent visits to the gym will not hurt.

For sex appeal, not only the physical is important, but also the inner content.

Always dominate the woman. Avoid closed poses (crossed legs, arms), touch your interlocutor with your hands.

High growth and the ability to present oneself at the first conversation - this is a demonstration of charisma.

Flirt only with sincere intentions. Do not be sprayed over trifles.

Men's haircut should be neat and high-status (for example, a haircut "under a comb"). If you have thin hair, it is better to shave it off completely. Have at least one decent suit in your wardrobe (not sporty, but classic). Girls love strict classics.

Be creative in bed. And then your girlfriend will never be bored.
