The modern woman owes a lot: her husband, children, society. She is constantly required to be beautiful, young, healthy, erudite. Isn't that just the burden of being a modern woman and courageous to cope with it?

Many people associate a woman with a mystery. Women were idolized by poets and ordinary men. Legends are made about female versatility, and this fact is indisputable and does not require either confirmation or refutation.
However, what exactly is a modern woman? What does it mean for a woman today to be a woman, in conditions when a huge responsibility is imposed on her, a lot of responsibilities are imposed by society, while the duties of the keeper of the hearth, its protector, still remain with her.
What is the burden of a modern woman
Being a woman today is not just easy, but daunting. The modern representative of the fair sex differs significantly from her predecessors, for example, the beginning or the middle of the 20th century. Today, according to psychologists, women have forgotten how to love. The reason for this is the huge pace in which the ladies of our days are every day. For daily worries, the state of fullness is lost. This is a state when everything inside is filled with love, kindness and openness to the world. It is an inexhaustible, self-replenishing source that pours around everyone around with a fountain of bright splashes.
What prevents a modern woman from remaining the same source, the center of the universe? The answer is trivial: work, career, desire and need to compete with men. Women have learned to hide from pain and resentment, which, unintentionally or deliberately, can be inflicted on them by the surrounding representatives of the strong half of humanity. As a result, they are completely closed to love.
That's it, there is no source - and a woman's heart becomes coarse, she becomes tougher. And society, in turn, applauds, encourages, saying that everything is good, it should be done.

Consequences of this process
The inability to love gives rise to the reluctance of women to enter into an official marriage, and in an informal relationship too. Why should a modern woman strive to be with a man if she understands that she can earn her own living on her own, she has housing and other material goods. A man today, in the 21st century, has lost the role of a breadwinner, his function of authority in the family is questionable.
The modern woman simply often has no respect for men. The consequence of this is loneliness. And this is also the burden of the modern woman.
The Israeli medical portal cites the results of a study that indicate that women are not very eager to have sex, especially with one man. They just don't need it, because they easily have relationships with different men, and they like it. Sex in marriage is perceived as one of the responsibilities, such as washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking. And the modern, developed, independent lady is just trying to get away from these boring and socially imposed responsibilities for centuries. This is also facilitated by the abundance of fast food, semi-finished products, a huge number of cafes and restaurants. There is no need to cook anymore - you just need to dial the pizza delivery number or run into the supermarket near the house.
A modern woman lives on the Internet for a long time - it's easier for her. Virtual communication, and possibly sex, replaces her with real men, in the long term - actually marriage. She no longer has a desire to give birth and raise children, and if she does, it is often postponed for a period of 30, 40 years. Fortunately, modern medicine is at a sufficient level, and society insists that health should be taken care of and worried about.
The burden of a modern woman also lies in the fact that she often has to resolve all issues on her own, without taking into account the experience of past generations. Emancipation has led to the fact that a woman does not take into account the opinion of anyone, not even her own parents.
On the one hand, technology makes a woman's life easier, but maybe this is seeming simplicity, since instead of the annoying physical work that women had to do earlier on a larger scale (meaning routine housework), today ladies are morally disarmed. And this is also the burden of a modern woman.
Always on the top

Society makes strict demands on the appearance of a modern woman. And this is also her burden. The covers of fashion magazines literally scream that you need to look 100%: to be well-groomed, with a chiseled toned figure, a young face, and a perfect hairstyle. The time that could be spent on filling her own soul with light and warmth, the lady spends on care, endless beauty salons, procedures. She simply has to be forever young.
But whether this makes a woman happier is a moot point. Most likely, everyone decides for herself on her own.
Progress is just great, no one can argue with that. But the world is becoming more technologically advanced, and along with the external seeming relief in a woman's life, a loss and substitution of moral principles is imperceptible. Thus, the burden of a woman is precisely to learn to maneuver in the prevailing circumstances, to live fully, but not to lose her feminine essence.