When To Give Your Baby Eggs

When To Give Your Baby Eggs
When To Give Your Baby Eggs

Many young mothers, as a rule, are interested in questions about at what age certain foods can be introduced into the baby's diet. A lot of controversy is caused by feeding a baby with eggs.

When to give your baby eggs
When to give your baby eggs

People are well aware that as a child grows, he has a need for new products. The first, with which the baby gets acquainted, are vegetables and fruits. With the introduction of complementary foods, the amount of breast milk or formula consumed decreases, and, accordingly, the amount of protein consumed decreases. Therefore, mothers are faced with the following question: how can you make up for the lack of proteins? Eggs can help with this.

In addition to proteins, eggs contain a lot of trace elements useful for the body, the only exception is cholesterol.

The benefits and harms of eggs for the child's body

The answer to the question of at what age to introduce an egg into complementary foods is not unambiguous, the opinions of experts are very different. The estimated timing of the introduction of eggs into the baby's diet varies from three months to a year. This is due to the fact that eggs are the strongest allergen. And all mothers should remember this. An allergic reaction to eggs most often manifests itself in the form of skin rashes that usually flake off. And if a hereditary allergy is observed in the family, then you should not rush to introduce eggs into complementary foods.

In this case, eggs should be started at eight months.

Only the yolk should be used as the first egg feed, because it is the protein that is the main allergen. It can be introduced only from a year, and better from a year and a half.

Introduction of eggs into the baby's complementary foods

It is best to introduce an egg into complementary foods when the child is six months old. For the first time, it is worth giving the baby quite a bit of yolk (to determine if he is allergic to the yolk), it is best to dilute the yolk with breast milk or formula that you feed the baby.

Subsequently, the child can be given a quarter of an egg yolk daily. Eggs for feeding children should be well-boiled, in no case should children be given soft-boiled eggs, because such eggs are more allergenic and the children's stomach does not digest them well. In addition, there is a risk of contracting salmonellosis, which is deadly for the child's body.

It is best to use quail eggs as complementary foods, because, firstly, quails do not suffer from salmonellosis, and, secondly, there are no allergens in these eggs.

From year to year, you can diversify the children's menu, in addition to the yolk, the child can be given steam omelets, mix eggs into pasta, cook a variety of casseroles and cheese cakes.

But even if your baby just loves eggs, you should not forget that the child can be given no more than three eggs a week, because there is cholesterol in the yolk of eggs.
