There is a huge variety of different toys in stores now. And our children, seeing this, demand the purchase of more and more trifles. And this is a rather expensive item for the family budget. To save your father's and mother's salary, you can make toys yourself. Moreover, the manufacture of, for example, a robot will require a minimum investment of time and money.

It is necessary
- 1. A bag of juice or milk - 1 pc.
- 2. Cigarette packs - 11 pcs.
- 3. Small short bolts and nuts for them - 9 pcs.
- 4. Scissors.
- 5. Colored paper.
- 6. Transparent tape.
- 7. Shiloh.
- 8. Glue.
Step 1
First, you need to craft the robot's torso. To do this, take a juice bag and carefully cut out the bottom in the shape of a door. Poke five holes in the bag - for the head, arms and legs of the robot. Insert the bolts so that the caps are inside the bag. Screw the nuts on them. The base is ready while the torso can be set aside.
Step 2
Take four cigarette packs - these will be the hands of a robot. In two of them, make holes with an awl in the bottom and lids. In others, make one hole at a time. In packs with two holes, carefully insert the bolt and screw the remaining packs to them. You have got hands that can be twisted and rotated in different directions.
Step 3
In order to make the robot legs you will need 6 cigarette packs. We collect four of them in pairs, according to the same principle as the hands. And we put the remaining two horizontally, make a hole for the bolts in them and attach them to the legs in the manner of feet. These packs may be different in color from the robot's legs, then they will look like boots.
Step 4
It remains to make the head. Take the last pack of cigarettes and poke a hole in it with an awl. Cut out and glue the eyes, nose and mouth out of colored paper. Imagine. Antennas can be made of wire, and ears can be made of large bolts. Let the children come up with and implement the details that they think are present in a real robot.
Step 5
Now you can connect all the pieces together. To do this, carefully seal all the cigarette lids with transparent tape so that they do not open. Use duct tape to secure the cut-out bottom to the robot's torso. Now, using bolts and nuts, attach the arms, legs and head to the base. The robot is ready!