Cough in young children is very often accompanied by excessive sputum production. Clearing the airways from it occurs in the overwhelming majority of cases not effectively enough due to the functional immaturity of the child's respiratory muscles. As a result, sputum stagnates, which not only provokes an increase in coughing, but can also cause the development of more serious diseases. Therefore, the formation of sputum must be fought. How to do it?

Step 1
A sick child should receive an abundant warm drink, since almost any cold disease leads to dehydration and, accordingly, the formation of more viscous and difficult-to-remove sputum.
Step 2
A huge role is played by the parameters of the air that the child breathes. It is very difficult to cure a cough in warm, dry air. Alas, due to the climatic features of our country, the heating season lasts at least six months (as a rule, from October 15 to April 15). With the start of heating systems in living quarters, air humidity sharply decreases. For half of their lives, our children breathe dry air, and there is nothing surprising in the fact that most babies get sick during the entire autumn-winter period.
Step 3
In dry, warm air, even a slight load on the respiratory tract (for example, a mild form of acute respiratory viral infection) leads to the appearance or prolonged activation of cough, in some cases - with excessive formation of sputum. Thus, the effectiveness of the treatment directly depends on the frequency of ventilation and humidification of the air in the house! Simple measures such as open containers of water on windowsills, hanging wet gauze curtains on radiators, etc. can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick child, facilitating the discharge of sputum.
Step 4
There is a wide range of drugs that have an "expectorant" effect. The choice of a specific remedy occurs as prescribed by a doctor. It is better to give preference to phytotherapeutic medicine (herbal, natural origin). They are characterized by mild action, lack of toxicity, a slight likelihood of deterioration and allergies with sufficient effectiveness, which is especially important when dealing with young children.