Suppuration of the eye in a newborn is a fairly common problem that can scare an inexperienced mother. However, in most cases, the unpleasant symptoms disappear within a few weeks if the baby's eye hygiene is properly approached.

There can be several reasons for the appearance of pus in the eye of a newborn. It may take an eye exam to find them out for sure. However, if a very small amount of pus is released and the baby does not show any other signs of malaise, do not rush to run to the doctor. First, check if simple hygiene standards are being followed.
The eyes of the newborn should be kept as sterile as possible. This means that there should be no contact with unboiled water and any other liquids, and even more so substances that can get into the eye - flour, pollen, sand, cotton wool, and so on. In any case, the festering eye must be rinsed. To do this, you need to take a dense cotton pad or swab (so that it does not leave villi, like ordinary cotton wool) and, dipping it into an antiseptic solution, rinse the baby's eye with it in the direction from the outer edge to the nose. If there is pus in both eyes, then use one cotton pad for each eye - that is, do not rinse both eyes with the same disk to avoid transmission of infection. For the same reason, you need to use a new, unused piece of cotton wool every time. Flush your baby's eyes every time pus comes out. Also, for prevention purposes, repeat this procedure in the morning and evening.
The main causes of suppuration of the eye in newborns are irritation due to the instillation of albucide in the baby's eyes in the maternity hospital; inflammation due to the presence of bacteria; inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryostenosis, or dacryocystitis).
Antiseptic solutions for suppuration of the eyes in a baby
The following solutions are used to wash the eye for a newborn:
- a decoction of chamomile;
- Miramistin solution with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio;
- a decoction from the tips of sweet varieties of apple-tree branches;
- a decoction of green tea;
- furacilin solution.
Preparation of furacilin solution for washing the baby's eyes
Furacilin is most readily available in pill form. Therefore, just take one furacilin tablet and dissolve it in half a glass of boiled water. Then strain so that undissolved crystals of the tablet do not get on the mucous membrane of the baby. Use only freshly prepared solution.
The furatsilin tablet does not dissolve well in water, so before putting it in water, crush it into a powder, and then pour boiling water over it and let it cool.
After washing the peephole, it is useful to drip 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol. To do this, pull the baby's lower eyelid down and drop 1-2 drops of the solution.
If purulent discharge persists, take tests - smears to determine flora and sensitivity, and consult an ophthalmologist. He must diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment.