Moms usually try to choose the best food for their children. This also applies to the choice of baby puree. Parents consult on family forums, watch TV commercials, study bright labels in supermarkets. But how to choose the right mashed potatoes for a child so that it is not harmful, and besides, it is beneficial?

Step 1
When choosing baby puree, be sure to consider your baby's age. Puree can be both fruit and vegetable and even meat. Yogurt, milk, cereals and cottage cheese are sometimes added to this product. Pediatricians advise to introduce apple puree into baby's food as complementary food only from 3 months. This is the only food that does not cause allergies in most young children. After getting used to this product, gradually introduce other fruit purees into the baby's diet: banana, pear, plum. And from 4-5 months, feed with vegetable and meat purees, as well as mashed potatoes with various additives.
Step 2
Pay attention to the expiration date printed on the cap, the integrity of the packaging and age recommendations. Give preference to those berries and fruits that grow in the area where the child was born. Because he got used to these products in the womb and he is less likely to develop allergies. The label should also indicate the shelf life of the product from the moment it was opened.
Step 3
Study the composition of baby puree carefully. Puree is ideal if it is made without added sugar, preservatives, dyes or other artificial combinations. The description of the composition of the product on the puree label will tell you about this. Baby food can be approved by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. For example, the composition of baby puree should look like this: applesauce, vitamin C. In this case, the addition of vitamin C to the product is a preservative that is permitted and useful for the child, which also has a beneficial effect on strengthening the baby's immunity.
Step 4
Baby puree is usually sold in glass jars and multilayer cartons. If the jar is completely transparent, the vitamin content in it decreases over time under the influence of light. While in cardboard packaging, the product retains its taste and useful properties less. Therefore, give preference to glass jars, the contents of which are protected from light with a thick label.
Step 5
Many brands of baby food have established themselves as trustworthy. Polls of the population showed that parents are most willing to buy baby puree from Russian manufacturers, or rather the following brands such as "Tema", "Vinnie", "FrutoNyanya", "Agusha". However, experts from the well-known program “Test Purchase” proved that “FrutoNyanya” turned out to be the best applesauce, because it does not contain starch, and its dry matter content is the highest of all the above brands - 15.4%, which is a high indicator of naturalness product. According to these parameters, "Tema" and "Agusha" lagged slightly behind the "FrutoNyanya" puree. While "Vinnie" puree dropped out of the competition due to the presence of starch in its composition.