Most parents are sure that up to six months, the baby does not feel the need for additional drinks. It would seem difficult to argue with this, but one should not forget that every child is different. In addition, there are situations where the baby needs extra fluid. No less important is the additional fluid and the baby, who is on artificial or mixed feeding.

What can you give a child to drink
During the first month of life, the baby should not be given anything other than purified boiled water. If the crumb refuses to drink, you can slightly sweeten the drink with a 5% glucose solution.
Babies one month old and older can be encouraged to drink chamomile and fennel teas. They strengthen children's immunity, have an antibacterial effect, in addition, they are excellent for colic and bloating.
From the age of three months, it is recommended to gradually introduce apple and pear juices into the child's diet, and from five months, the juice of apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, etc. is allowed.
A six-month-old child can already drink homemade compote. Prepared with your own hands, such compotes can significantly expand and enrich the child's diet with vitamins.
How to make compote
Compote for an infant should be made only from high-quality natural ingredients without dyes and flavors. The ideal raw material will be organic products prepared by yourself. It is better to cook dried fruit compote without adding sugar, in extreme cases, you can sweeten it with fructose.
To prepare a dried apple compote for your baby, you will need a handful of dried apples, water and fructose to taste. Rinse the apples thoroughly and then soak in warm water for ten minutes. Then rinse the swollen fruit well again and dip in boiling water. It is not necessary to cook the compote for a long time, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for ten minutes. Then remove the drink from the heat and let it brew under the lid. Strain the finished compote and cool. Sweeten the drink a little before drinking.
The benefits of dried fruit compote cannot be overestimated. It provides the child's body with the necessary vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B3, B6; as well as trace elements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium.
In addition to apples, you can also use other fruits. So, a drink made from prunes will save a baby from constipation, and an assorted vitamin compote from all kinds of dried fruits will become not only a source of additional liquid, but also an excellent way to strengthen immunity.
The method of preparing various compotes from other dried fruits is no different from the recipe for making an apple drink. In addition to dried fruits, compotes for babies can include fresh berries and fruits, the cooking method does not change. But keep in mind that it is advisable to choose the usual fruits and berries; it is better to refuse exotic pineapples, mango, passion fruit, etc.
Also, one should not forget that new products, including drinks, must be introduced into the children's diet gradually, starting with small doses at intervals of 7-10 days.