The inclinations are the anatomical and physiological properties of the nervous system, which serve as the basis for the formation of abilities. The inclinations in a child are innate qualities, and if they are not identified in time, you can skip the sensitive period, which is the most appropriate time for the development of a particular talent.

Step 1
Revealing the makings of a child requires all your parenting attention. From an early age, keep an eye on what interests your baby. It is your observations that will be able to determine the child's inclinations and suggest the direction of his further development.
Step 2
Artistic inclinations are manifested in a child not only in drawing, but also in modeling, drawing, photographing, creating jewelry and clothes. Such a kid begins to combine colors correctly enough early enough, to see the most successful composition. In the drawings of such children, you can often see fantastic images and figures.
Step 3
A child with logical and mathematical inclinations shows great interest in numbers, calculations, comparison, measurement, ordering. He himself easily understands various dimensions of time, quickly learns to play checkers, chess and other logic games.
Step 4
A kid with musical inclinations easily remembers and reproduces the melody he heard, seeks to learn to sing and play an instrument, and from early childhood tries to compose music. Such a child is usually sensitive to the sound, tempo and rhythm of speech, so foreign languages are easy for him.
Step 5
The artistic inclinations of a child should not be confused with the desire, which is quite natural for this age, to curl up in front of a mirror. A potential artist reads poetry remarkably, is able to colorfully and in faces depict the situation he has seen, easily reproduces postures, facial expressions and gestures of people.
Step 6
Sports inclinations can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. An energetic, mobile, flexible, hardy, active, courageous child is inclined towards sports and dancing. Very often, such a baby is physically better developed than his peers. If a child with athletic inclinations goes to the section, he readily takes part in competitions and always strives to become the first.
Step 7
A child with literary inclinations perfectly describes the situations that happened before his eyes, knows how to compose and invent, writes school essays and poems well. In writing and speaking, he often uses words that convey the emotional state of people, the beauty of nature. Almost always, a child with literary ability likes to read.
Step 8
Technical inclinations are manifested in the child's interest in various mechanisms, devices and drawings. The first toys of such a kid are constructors and models. And the dad of a technically gifted child always has a good helper and loyal student in the repair of any equipment.
Step 9
The inclinations for scientific work are expressed in curiosity, the desire to classify everything, love for abstract concepts and generalizations, the ability to express in words both one's own and someone else's thought. Depending on interests, such a child is happy to draw, draw diagrams, conduct experiments and experiments, and observe nature.
Step 10
Leadership inclinations are manifested in a child in the ability to captivate other children, the ability to clearly explain, calculate and plan. Such a child does not wait for a decision to be made for him, he independently organizes the leisure of his company. A kid with leadership abilities enjoys authority among peers, he is able to reconcile quarreling and find contact with unfamiliar children.