Do Girls' Voices Break

Do Girls' Voices Break
Do Girls' Voices Break

Table of contents:


During adolescence, the voices of both boys and girls change. However, in girls this does not happen so brightly and abruptly, therefore, the term "voice breaking" is rarely used for such a process.


Step 1

In adolescence, boys' larynx increases greatly in size. As a result, the thyroid cartilage is significantly pushed forward and forms a characteristic protrusion, the vocal cords are lengthened and become thicker. All this leads to the fact that the voice begins to sound about an octave lower. During the period of active growth of the larynx, the voice can behave completely unpredictable. At this time, it is advisable not to overstrain the ligaments so as not to injure them.

Step 2

In girls, the larynx also increases, but not as much as in boys. As a result, there are practically no abrupt changes in the voice. During the period of voice mutation, girls most often experience minor deviations from the norm - the sound of the voice may decrease or a hoarse sound may appear, in some cases there may be slight problems with diction, which pass rather quickly.

Step 3

Such changes in the voice are temporary, so you should not especially worry about the fact that the voice sounds a little different. Gradually, the voice returns to normal, becomes stronger and brighter.

Step 4

In adolescence, all systems of the body change, but they do it unevenly - something happens faster, something slower. Due to such changes between the laryngeal and respiratory organs, coordination may be impaired, which leads to the appearance of mild hoarseness or excessively low sound, while in girls the voice does not begin to "jump" from octave to octave, as it happens in boys.

Step 5

In some cases, there may be a problem with diction. It is most often associated with the normal prolapse of the larynx during this period, which causes certain changes in the movements of the tongue, which begins to work hard with the root part. It usually takes some time to get used to such changes and begin to compensate for them. However, such a problem occurs quite rarely, since the larynx in girls descends slowly and gradually, only slightly increasing in size.

Step 6

Most often, during the mutation period, the color of the voice in girls changes. It can lose its sonority, acquire unpleasant squeaky or dull shades. This is especially unpleasant for girls who are serious about singing. If such changes begin to occur, it is advisable to reduce the load on the voice, shorten classes or completely abandon them for a while. This will keep the range and tone the same.
