Many books have been written on parenting, which contain sometimes conflicting advice. Nevertheless, following certain rules, you will surely be able to raise a good person. But there are taboos in raising children. If you want to raise a harmful and hysterical child, it's easy to do.

Step 1
You have given birth to a child, which means that you have fulfilled your duty to society. Now you can finally take care of yourself: tighten the figure that has deteriorated during pregnancy, meet with your friends, and relax. A nanny, a kindergarten and a school should raise a child, because this is their direct responsibility.
Step 2
You may have always wanted to study ballet or go to art school, but life turned out differently. Now you finally have a chance to make things right. You can send your child to a ballet school and a fine arts club, and it doesn't matter that the child wants to become a football player. Now he is still small and does not understand anything, but he will be grateful to you when he grows up.
Step 3
Never refuse a child anything. You do not want to listen to the hysterical screams of your own child, lying on the floor in the store and hammering on the floor with his fists. Children whose parents indulged them in everything grow up to be the happiest.
Step 4
In the modern world, it is important to be able to swear and defend your rights. It is necessary to teach a child this from childhood, then in the future it will be much easier for him to live. When arranging a showdown with your husband, allow your child to participate in them. It is in the family that he must learn the correct behavior during quarrels.
Step 5
Criticize your child's mental abilities more often. Phrases "are you a fool?", "Are you out of your mind?" and "what did you think?" stimulate the child to learn about the world. Excessive praise, on the other hand, slows down the baby's development.
Step 6
Children are helpless and unadapted creatures who need to be constantly patronized. Do not allow the child to leave the yard alone, do not let go of his hand when crossing the roadway, do not take his opinion into account when choosing clothes for him - all the same, he is still small and does not understand anything.
Step 7
Surely, numerous girlfriends, aunts and grandmothers in the queues give you various tips on how to raise children. Observe them strictly, because a good person cannot advise nonsense. And then you will be able to raise a lazy, arrogant and spoiled young man.