With the beginning of the school year, many parents begin to think: what marks the child will have at school, whether he will be able to do everything and how to make him stop being lazy.

The main thing is that the child is busy
Why is it so important for parents that the child is busy throughout the day - lessons, sections, circles, reading useful literature? Unfortunately, many are motivated not only by the desire: to give children everything so that they get the most out of life. Many adults unconsciously join the competition: which of the children of their acquaintances already speaks a foreign language or participates in olympiads, and begin to expect similar success from their own child. Of course, there are those who are afraid of the child's free time, as he may get into a bad company or "will do the wrong thing."
Nevertheless, a child's refusal to do something does not always mean laziness in the negative understanding to which they are accustomed. In psychology, laziness is called "resistance." And in order to stop transferring all responsibility to the child, it is necessary to understand why the child "resists":
1. The child has no motivation. Only a small percentage of children have an educational motivation. And, as a rule, few schools are busy with its formation. Basically, the learning process for children is boring and uninteresting. Parents can contribute to the child's attraction to learning: share feelings, read and discuss what they have read together, and sincerely enjoy his progress.
2. The child is stressed. If a child does not have a sense of security, then the opportunity to enjoy something new is lost, not to mention learning. If during the school day he experiences fear, shame, stress, then by the end of the day he becomes apathetic and tired. Without understanding the situation, it is easier for an adult to accuse him of laziness. But parents are responsible not only for physical health but also for emotional health. Ask your child: “Is it difficult for you at school? Is it related to classmates, teacher or subjects? Depending on the answer, offer the child a solution to the problem.
3. The child is not confident in himself. Lack of faith in oneself can also lead to "doing nothing." If parents are critical of their children and stingy with praise, then they begin to consider themselves “not like that”. Accordingly, why do something if you only hear discontent and criticism from close people.
You can and should be lazy
Before accusing a child of laziness, ask what he is doing at the moment. If he is lying on the bed and listening to music, ask about his plans and point out the upcoming things, remind him that you are always ready to listen to him and help, but do not press. After all, he could come home from school in upset feelings: he got a deuce, had a fight with a classmate. Give him time to come to his senses, be with himself and digest what happened. After all, learning to listen and hear yourself is a useful skill that will help you not to break yourself in the future.