Embroidery is a great way to develop a child's motor skills, it improves coordination of movements, forms a sense of taste, and also promotes perseverance. Embroidery training is suitable for children of any gender, but girls enjoy this activity more.

Preparation of materials for children's embroidery
To create the first picture, you will need a special fabric - a canvas, a hoop, threads of different colors, scissors and an embroidery needle. You need to take a special needle, it is blunt at the end so as not to damage your fingers, and with a large eye to thread a thick thread.
If a child over 7-8 years old is teaching, you can immediately take a cross stitch kit, which will contain a diagram and all sewing accessories. At this age, you can learn to immediately make a certain drawing.
Learning simple embroidery for kids
Pull the canvas over the hoop and thread the first thread yourself, and then pass it to the baby. In the first lesson, do ordinary knots, do not try to show all the subtleties of the professional process at once, the simpler the beginning is, the more likely the child will get involved, and only then it will be possible to show the method without knots.
Show your toddler how to sew stitches. Do not insist that he accurately hit certain points of the canvas, let him study himself. The first stitches will be crooked and vary in size. Change the thread, allow a few more movements against the same background. You can experiment with different colors several times. The result is a fabric with a chaotic pattern. Praise the child for this result, ask him to tell what kind of image it is. It can even be framed to give the child an incentive to do it again.
In the next lesson, show your child how to make straight stitches, teach him how to get into certain holes in the fabric. The larger the canvas, the better. It may not work out the first time, but the main thing is practice.
When the stitches are straight, learn to make crosses. You can already take a small diagram to make a certain drawing. Choose only one with no more than 3 colors. Be prepared for things that won't work right away. Mistakes in reading the picture are possible, this should be noted, but let the baby correct the situation himself. He will also learn to unpick inaccurate lines.
Embroidery rules for children
You can start learning embroidery from 4-5 years old, at this time you can already entrust your child with a needle. But during the process, it is important to be around all the time, as scissors and other devices can be dangerous.
During the embroidery process, a child should not sit in one place for more than 20 minutes; it is important to alternate needlework and other activities.
You should not master beadwork for children under 10 years old. Small details will be regularly lost, it will be difficult to arrange them exactly. And with a negative result, the child develops a negative attitude towards such activities.
You can not emphasize the failure of the baby and make fun of his shortcomings. The first works are always far from perfect, but if others encourage and praise, it is highly likely that embroidery will become a favorite pastime.