10 Things That Take You Back To Childhood

10 Things That Take You Back To Childhood
10 Things That Take You Back To Childhood

Memories of childhood are somehow connected with some episodes, lessons and people. There are things, looking at which or just thinking about them, you can mentally return to the most beautiful time of your life.

10 things that take you back to childhood
10 things that take you back to childhood

Sometimes you want to at least mentally return to the happy years of childhood. Some games and attributes of that time will help you travel back in time for a moment. They cause nostalgia, I want to relive exciting moments again, remember my school friends, carefree and fun time, first love.


There are a lot of different sweets in stores now. Previously, the choice was much more modest. The children were very fond of "cockerels". They could be bought on the street from grandmothers or made at home on their own. Lollipops in the form of squirrels and fish were also in great demand. Many families had cast iron molds into which molten caramel could be poured. Homemade lollipops are delicious and do not contain harmful preservatives or flavors. The aroma and taste of burnt sugar will help you to mentally return to the past.

Bread sprinkled with sugar

The most popular "sandwich" from childhood is bread sprinkled with sugar, a favorite treat for children. He was eaten not only at home, but also taken out into the street. The bread was poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with sugar. Unrefined oil, smelling of sunflower seeds, gave a special taste to this sandwich.

Overseas sweets

One of the most vivid memories of those whose childhood was in the eighties or nineties of the last century are chewing gum, chocolate bars and other sweets, which then seemed like something outlandish. We collected candy wrappers from Turbo and Love Is. They were exchanged in schools and in courtyards.

Home lotto

With the advent of gadgets, people are less likely to play board games. It used to be a favorite pastime for many families. Children and parents played home lotto. Everyone gathered at the table, spent time together. You can play this exciting game with your children, returning to school years for a while.


Street games

Previously, games of classics and rubber bands were very popular. Modern children also play classics, and their parents have fond memories of it. This game was of different kinds. The most difficult were the classics with the cue ball. Some even deliberately beat the dishes in order to get the coveted attribute. Parents punished, but the joy of the game smoothed out all the unpleasant moments.

Gaming consoles

Computer games are popular today. They are available to all owners of personal computers. Previously, special consoles were used for the game. They were not in all families, so the children often went to visit each other, gathered in companies.

Badges with funny inscriptions

As a child, many collected badges with funny or even defiant inscriptions. It was not so easy to acquire them. They exchanged badges, took them out into the yard to show friends the collected collection. Some people still keep them. Such things are reminiscent of the happiest years of life.


Game "Cock or hen"

This kind of entertainment used to be very popular, as children spent a lot of time on the street. It is not forgotten even now. Many adults from time to time offer their children to play it, and at the same time they themselves return to the past. In almost every yard there is grass that gives spikelets, like wheat, only they are thin and small. You need to pick such a spikelet and ask: "Cockerel or chicken?" The second participant chooses one thing, after which you need to hold the stem between your fingers and quickly draw it from the bottom up. You should get something that looks like a bunch of seeds. If a "crest" sticks out of it, then you have a cockerel. When the bunch is even and nothing sticks out of it, a chicken turned out. The task of the participants is to guess the correct answer.


School discos

Modern teenagers meet in clubs. There are many other entertainments too. But before, school discos were very popular. The kindest and brightest memories of them remained. At such discos, many met their first love. It was very fun and interesting. Gradually, this tradition begins to revive.

Digital Watch

They used to be very trendy. It was considered special chic to put on a watch and roll up the sleeves of a shirt so that everyone could appreciate the fashionable thing. Electronic watches were invented back in the seventies of the last century, but they became widespread only a decade later. It was prestigious to wear such an accessory. Popular were "talking" models or watches with a built-in calculator. Despite the fact that today they are no longer in vogue, many people still wear electronic accessories as a reminder of childhood or a talisman.
