When you start thinking about who is the best to entrust your secret to, the first step is to decide whether to do it at all. But sometimes it is too difficult for a person to carry some kind of heavy load in himself, and he just needs to share with someone.

Secrets are different
Secrets and secrets are different. Someone hides feelings in the depths of their souls, someone desires, and someone fantasies. Therefore, there is undoubtedly a big difference between other people's secrets. But there is one thing that will unite them all - this is confidentiality, which, in any case, must be respected. This is the main condition for any secret. If the thought of a secret that you can no longer keep to yourself has settled in your head, then think: "is it a secret?", "Will it be so important after a day, a month, a year?", Think about the consequences may arise after the disclosure of the innermost secret to someone.
Whom to trust and with whom to share the most intimate?
There are, of course, many people to whom you can tell your secret, but the main thing is not to make a mistake and choose a trusted and reliable person who will not tell anyone else about your secret.
You can entrust the secret to your parents. However, not every secret can be told to close relatives.
Sometimes, it is better to hide something and not finish speaking in order to save the nerves and health of a loved one.
Friends, labeled "best" are by far the most appropriate option. If people are tested by time and serious life trials, you can definitely trust them and reveal your secrets.
The other half or spouse (ha) may also be people you can trust, but again, the safety of the secret depends on the circumstances, time and experience of joint years of life.
Not always a husband / wife, boyfriend / girlfriend turn out to be best friends, decent people and good keepers of other people's secrets.
Paper will endure everything, so a personal diary can become another guardian of your secrets. This option is suitable for the most suspicious people. If you no longer have the strength to keep the secret, and you do not dare to entrust it to anyone, then a pen and blank pages of the diary, and maybe the pages of an electronic blog, will help you. The main thing is to take care of your privacy and remember that both the diary and your personal blog can be read without your knowledge, making your secret public.
Secrets and secrets always live in the darkness of human souls. There are people who are stronger, who cope with their thoughts and thoughts, and there are personalities whose secrets destroy and drive you crazy. Each person needs an interlocutor who can listen and help in difficult times, who can come to the rescue, give good advice, and, if necessary, keep the thoughts of a comrade. And no matter how your life turns out, and no matter how many secrets you become, always remember that you must keep other people's secrets as strictly as your own.