Children grow up, develop and begin to study the world around them. They are interested in literally everything, questions are pouring on their parents, as if from a cornucopia. And one of the topics that interest little why children is the animal world. So what is the right way to tell the guys about the animals?

Step 1
For very young naturalists, buy animal cards. Accompany each card with short stories about the animals: what they are called, where they live, what they eat and how they “talk”. Audio fairy tales are a good helper in stories about animals, in which the baby himself can hear how a kitten meows, a cow mooes, or how geese make their crown ha - ha - ha.
Step 2
Read funny poems and stories about our little brothers to your baby. Choose books with vivid illustrations so that the child can not only listen to a funny poem about a bunny, but also see its image in the picture. When the baby grows up, get a good encyclopedia about the animal world, in which interesting information is accompanied by colorful photographs and images.
Step 3
From time to time, watch documentaries about nature, in which animals are shown in their natural habitat. First, skim the film yourself, so that later you do not have to explain to the baby the not entirely disagreeable moments of animal hunting or mating season in animals. Look for kind, good kid-friendly movies that show common moments in animal life. Buy a CD with funny cartoons about animals for your kid. Best of all, if these are old Soviet cartoons.
Step 4
Take your child to the circus for a fun animal show. Let the kid take a picture with one of the "artists" during the intermission. Usually, kids love the circus and watch the trained animals with delight. Zoo trips are also very useful for children's development and broadening their horizons. Take your camera with you to capture the funniest and most interesting moments. Such an excursion into the world of animals will give the child a lot of impressions and invaluable experience of communicating with our smaller brothers.