What To Do With Stress

What To Do With Stress
What To Do With Stress

Stress is inevitable. It is impossible to live without it, it bears not only negative, but also positive consequences - it gives an incentive to action, the stress experienced makes people stronger. The main thing is not to allow stress to settle in the body for a long time.

What to do with stress
What to do with stress

Signs of stress

Life is not easy: death of a loved one, robbery, fire, dismissal from work, illness; for some, an ordinary session at the institute becomes a shock. If you feel confusion, mental anguish, confusion, feel the hopelessness of the situation, then you are overwhelmed by stress.

If this happens, try not to get depressed, which is very difficult to get out of. Take your time to take tranquilizers and antidepressants, try to cope on your own. It will be even worse if you start drowning your grief in alcohol and drugs. Problems will not go away, but health and even life can be easily lost. Your body has all the necessary potential to deal with stress, you just need to help it.

Stress Relief Techniques

Scarlett O'Hara Method

At the moment when the adrenaline surged through you, stop it with the suggestion: "Don't think about it today, think about it tomorrow." This does not mean that the problem needs to be pushed further away, just let a little time pass, you can calm down your emotions and then look at the troubles calmly, think it over, weigh it up and look for solutions.

Meditation and breathing

When it is difficult to control yourself, take 10 deep breaths, holding your breath for half a second. Try to relax, turn on relaxing ethnic or classical music, sit back, imagine how the waves of the warm sea are splashing around you or soft fluffy snow is falling.

Dealing with the emotional side of stress

Baths are often used to relieve stress. It is good to lie in a bath with sea salt, warm milk and honey, essential oils. Drink a natural sedative like motherwort or valerian herb and go to bed. In the morning, jog, exercise with squats and bends, or just take a longer walk, watch a funny movie, go to a concert, visit, to a disco, to a beauty salon, or to a massage procedure. Don't get hung up on your stress.

Help from friends and a psychologist

Feel free to tell your loved ones about your troubles. Even if they do not solve your problems, at least they will certainly support and console you. If this does not help, contact a specialist. He will give expert advice on coping with stress.

If you feel that the circle has closed, it does not become easier on your soul, take serious measures - drop everything and go on vacation. It doesn't work far, go for a couple of days at least to the village or to the dacha. Moreover, there you can do another excellent method for treating stress - occupational therapy, in which, just like during sports, the hormones of happiness - endorphins - are released.
