Many young mothers worry that after the birth of a child, they will not have enough time for anything. Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon: the baby makes total adjustments to the usual way of life. However, in the decree, it is quite possible to have time for everything you want, if you organize your time correctly and correctly prioritize.

Regime is the key to discipline
The harsh sleep and feeding regime promoted in Soviet pediatrics has come under severe criticism in recent years. Mothers feed the babies only on demand, and put them to bed when they have to. Of course, you should not go to extremes: both options for organizing the child's time have many disadvantages. Try to still find a middle ground and introduce a certain regime.
Start with an evening nap. Lay the baby at the same time, creating a favorable environment for this (a memorable bathing ritual, silence and dim light in the room). Gradually, the baby will want to sleep at this particular time, and if it deviates from it, it will be insignificant. Going to bed according to the regimen will establish and wake up at the same time, and then feed during the day. If you succeed, you yourself will be surprised how much time you have free up for personal affairs. Moreover, you can make appointments or leave for any business while the baby is sleeping and someone close is with him, because you will know for sure that the baby will not suddenly want to eat or will not be capricious for a long time.
Concentration and organization
A young mother loses a lot of time due to poor organization. If earlier you could plan things out and set aside a lot of time for rest and entertainment, or just allow yourself to be lazy, now everything is different. Be sure to write down everything you need to do or buy. Make a menu for the week and buy the appropriate amount of food so you don't run to the store every day.
Concentrate on the main tasks and devote any free minute to them. Did the child play with the toy for 3-4 minutes? Don't sit around idle, check your email, put on a face mask, dust off, or make the necessary payments via internet bank.
If, with good organization, you just have free time, you will be happy to spend it reading, watching a movie or going to a cafe with friends.
Helpful helpers
If before the birth of a child you easily got by with a minimum of household appliances and gadgets, now is the time to acquire the helpers you need in the household. Dishwasher, washer dryer - these basic appliances have long saved thousands of housewives a lot of time. A multicooker and an electric grill will help you prepare dozens of delicious and healthy dishes, and at the same time you will spend no more than 15 minutes on pre-processing food. Take a closer look at not the most common, but very useful gadgets. Among them, for example, a steam cleaner, which greatly facilitates wet cleaning, or a robot vacuum cleaner, which will keep the floor clean without your participation.
Do not forget about special devices for the child, which greatly facilitate life. Slings and kangaroos will allow you to do a lot of things with your baby and easily move around the city. Bouncer swings and exercise mats can distract a very young child for a long time, and at this time you can be nearby, but at the same time work at a computer or do fitness. If the baby is already big enough, you can leave him in another room, turn on the baby monitor, and go about your business. It's great if you have assistants in the person of a nanny or grandmothers, but you can do everything on maternity leave alone.