If the parents decide to divorce, it is necessary to correctly present the sad news to the teenager. How to do it right?

Step 1
The main thing is not to postpone the conversation on the back burner. The child, like no one else, feels the changes in the parents' relationship and the general tension in the family. Do not make the child worry about this for a long time and languish in the unknown. The faster a teenager learns and digests information, the better there.
Step 2
The teenager can already be told about the real reasons for the divorce. Based on your personal experiences. Father, mother, or both at once are unhappy together, marriage and life together brings only negative emotions. All family members should be happy, the child cannot feel joy and comfort if both parents are unhappy.
Step 3
Don't be intimidated by overreacting from your teenager. Give him time to digest the information, get used to the thought, cool down. Sometimes it is better for a child to immediately pour out his emotions than to close in himself and cook in his own juice.
Step 4
Try to keep the unpleasant divorce process as gentle as possible for the teenager. You should not sort things out with him, swear, do not arrange an open division of property. Try to protect your child from unnecessary worries. The more calmly the divorce process goes, the easier the child will endure it and will be able to quickly come to terms with the new state of affairs.
Step 5
Later, calmly explain to your child what the future life will look like. About the opportunity to visit a parent who lives separately. About shared responsibilities, control, and so on. Knowing how things are going and what to expect from the future, a teenager will quickly get used to and adapt to a new lifestyle.
Step 6
Having learned about the parents' divorce, a teenager can rebel, by threats and all sorts of manipulations, demand from the parents to improve relations and stay together. Do not focus on such attacks of a teenager, it is better not to react verbally, but to show care and love in every possible way, to come hug and kiss the teenager.
Step 7
Before talking to your child, try to calm down and control yourself. Tantrums and tears can upset a teenager. Do not make the child worry even more, because he needs you as support, and seeing the depressed state of the parents, the child may think that there is no one to rely on and withdraw into himself, along with all his feelings and experiences.