Curd is one of the first dairy products to be present in a child's diet. It contains healthy milk protein, milk fat, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins. All these components affect the full development of the baby.

Step 1
Cottage cheese must be introduced into the child's diet after he reaches 5 months. This should be done gradually.
Step 2
On the first day, it is necessary to give the child 5 grams of cottage cheese (1/2 teaspoon), then increase this amount daily by 5 grams so that after 4 days it is about 15-20 grams. A child who has reached the age of one year should be given about 50 grams of cottage cheese per day.
Step 3
At the initial stage of introducing cottage cheese into the child's diet, it must be given in the morning in order to track the body's reaction to a new product. And then it is advisable to give the baby cottage cheese at the beginning of feeding, having previously rubbed it with a small amount of breast milk or an adapted milk formula.
Step 4
It is better for children to give special cottage cheese with a soft structure. In addition, baby cottage cheese is specially made for the child's body, has the necessary acidity and does not irritate the intestinal mucosa.
Step 5
According to the method of preparation, children's cottage cheese can be milk and cream. Milk curd is recommended for overweight children, as it contains a small amount of fat.
Step 6
You can cook cottage cheese yourself. To do this, take 500 milliliters of boiled milk, add 5 milliliters of 20% calcium chloride solution, stir, bring to a boil, and then remove from heat and cool. Strain the resulting curd and place in a clean bowl.
Step 7
Only fresh cottage cheese can be given to the child; it must be stored in the refrigerator in a closed form.
Step 8
Before starting the introduction of cottage cheese into the child's diet, be sure to consult with a pediatrician.