Some expectant mothers manage to determine even in the early stages of pregnancy how many babies they are carrying. There are certain signs by which a woman can know that she is expecting twins. They are especially noticeable if the woman previously had a singleton pregnancy.

Step 1
One of the most common signs of twin pregnancy is rapid weight gain in the first trimester. If a woman is carrying one child, the weight gain during this period usually does not exceed 2 kilograms. But if the expectant mother is expecting twins, her weight gain in the first trimester increases by about 2 times.
Step 2
Pregnant twins are much more likely and more likely to suffer from toxicosis than women carrying one child. This condition is especially clearly felt by women who have already given birth. It should be noted that toxicosis during pregnancy with twins is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Step 3
The next sign of twins is very severe fatigue. This condition occurs from the first months of pregnancy. It becomes especially noticeable in the 2nd trimester. Pregnant twins often suffer from shortness of breath, they can feel tired even from minor physical exertion. This is due to the fact that when carrying two children, the body of the expectant mother requires large energy costs.
Step 4
A rapidly growing belly is also a sign of twin pregnancy. In women who carry one child under their heart, the abdomen is greatly enlarged only by 5 or 6 months. But in pregnant twins, such a change occurs already at 4 months.
Step 5
It is believed that from a woman "in position" one can expect some whims, eccentricities and quirks. In pregnant twins, such manifestations can be especially pronounced, since their body undergoes significant hormonal changes. Because of this, expectant mothers of several babies often feel hungry. Mood swings are also very noticeable.
Step 6
Passing the necessary examinations, as well as evaluating the test results, you can detect signs of pregnancy with twins. So, in the body of a woman, a lack of iron can be detected. At the same time, the level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) begins to increase rapidly, especially in the first trimester. If an elevated content of the protein alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is found in the blood of a pregnant woman, this may also indicate that the woman is carrying twins.
Step 7
In addition, during the examination, the gynecologist may hear the beating of two hearts or grope two heads. However, one should not exclude the possibility that the doctor may be wrong. An ultrasound will allow dispelling all doubts of a pregnant woman and confirming the presence of twins in her womb. It is best to do it for more than 10 weeks, in which case the ultrasound result will be more accurate.