Many women complain that their beloved husband or father often farts in front of the rest of the family, not at all embarrassed even by strangers. For some men, such an unpleasant phenomenon as uncontrolled gas formation also occurs in public places. The sensations of a loud sound and the smell of gases can drive anyone crazy, moreover, it is uncivilized, not accepted in society. How to get rid of the problem, to disaccustom the husband to "spoil the air"?

Step 1
First, try counting how many "whisperers" your spouse releases per day. This is not so difficult, especially if he is not shy and in every possible way attracts attention to himself with savory jokes and increasing the volume of the sound of the bunch. The norm is considered from 13 to 20 times a day. But more - these are already signs of flatulence.
Step 2
Analyze what bad habits of your husband can lead to increased gas production. These are overeating, smoking, constipation, abuse of starchy foods, sweets, alcohol, irregular meals. Also, flatulence with bloating and fists is caused by sedentary work, a sedentary lifestyle.

Step 3
If you hear the bunches from your husband all the time, and the smell just knocks you off your feet, the reason may be an illness. It is worth checking the spouse for bacteriosis, diseases of the stomach, intestines, to exclude infection with worms and helminths. Examination and treatment by a doctor will help to find out the causes of flatulence, improve bowel function.
Step 4
Review your diet, gradually remove legumes, sauerkraut, pickles, sweets, flour, fatty and smoked foods from the menu. Perhaps the husband farts after eating certain foods, drinks - this needs to be found out by observation.

Step 5
Walking, jogging, swimming, long walks before bedtime will help eliminate increased gas production and bloating. Sign up with your husband to the pool or gym, make him walk to work, buy him a pedometer to count activity during the day. At the same time, monitor his diet, monitor the amount of non-carbonated water drunk during the day.
Step 6
Be sure to talk to your husband about his behavior, imitate how he farts loudly, give examples and comparisons that are not in his favor. Explain how unpleasant it is for you, children and acquaintances to feel the aroma of a "gas attack" every time, to hear long bunches that sound like explosions. Shame your spouse, ask him to behave more decently and more cultured.

Step 7
If your loved one is reducing everything to a joke and does not hesitate to spoil the air in public, try to do the same with him. Fart, for example, when he starts eating or drinking beer in front of the TV. Perhaps this comic advice will work and help the husband understand his wife's feelings?