Unfortunately, modern realities are such that marriages fall apart. Many divorced men are perceived by unmarried women as potential suitors. How should a woman behave if such a man has shown a clear interest in her? It seems that everyone is good, but still, his soul is restless: after all, one marriage with him has already fallen apart, where is the guarantee that he can become a good husband for her.

Step 1
Doubts and hesitations of a woman are quite natural and understandable. Therefore, find out the reason for the divorce. Of course, you shouldn't pester a man with such questions! Firstly, it is simply tactless, and secondly, where is the guarantee that he will want (or be able) to answer truthfully and objectively? Try to make inquiries with the help of relatives, girlfriends, mutual acquaintances.
Step 2
If it turns out that the previous marriage broke up due to the antisocial behavior of the husband (alcoholism, drunken scandals, beatings) - think not three, but thirty-three times. A man can swear by all the saints that this was a bitter, hard lesson for him that he gave up. But, alas, practice shows: such people very often return to their bad habits. And then you will be the victim of his drunken "arts".
Step 3
If it becomes known that the reason for the divorce was a banal mismatch of characters or too high needs, the selfishness of his ex-wife, you can take a closer look at the potential husband. In doing so, try to be as impartial and objective as possible. Note not only its strengths, advantages, but also disadvantages, conclude whether you can come to terms with them.
Step 4
"Loves means regrets." Yes, there is a lot of truth in this old wisdom. But, even if you come to the conclusion that the man was really unlucky with his first wife, do not rush to console the sufferer, submissively agreeing that he is a storehouse of all virtues, and his ex turned out to be a rare bitch.
Step 5
Behave smarter, more restrained. You can sympathize with him, of course, but in moderation. At least, because there is rarely only one party to blame for a divorce. Surely he sometimes did not behave in the best way.
Step 6
Try to understand the logic of the man's behavior. For what reason did he show interest in you, wants to meet with you? Are you really attracted to you, did he like you? Or wounded pride speaks in him - the former stupid wife did not appreciate, left, she needs to be taught a lesson. Or your man is infantile, helpless by nature and simply cannot do without a woman. In the second and third cases, it is better not to deal with him, almost certainly your relationship will not end well with anything.