In modern society, men are quite loyal to male infidelity, and some representatives of the strong half of humanity even like to boast of the number of women they have conquered, despite the presence of a wife. Most often, behind the betrayal of a spouse lies only a desire for novelty and nothing else. Women's infidelity is another matter. Rarely does a lady go for it just because of sex, most are looking for something that the family does not receive on the side.

Step 1
The reasons why for a man cheating on his wife is like a disaster lie in human nature. In the animal kingdom, a male who has mated with several females is considered a strong and successful individual. And if even the one whose duty obliges to be with him leaves him, from the point of view of biology, his value is not great. And although man has long been isolated from other mammals, subconsciously these laws continue to work.
Step 2
Having learned that your wife has another, try to calm your hurt pride and calmly talk with your wife. You might want to scold her, but if you hope to keep the marriage alive, it won't help the cause. Discuss what your wife is not happy with in family life, and if it can be fixed. It is likely that the connection on the side was fleeting, and the woman managed to consider it a mistake.
Step 3
In the event that both spouses do not want to lose each other, you can start the relationship from scratch. Now, past grievances should not come between you - forget about them and never bring up this topic again. You can pretend that you only recently met this woman and build new relationships.
Step 4
If the unfaithful spouse is seriously interested in a gentleman from the outside, and you still love her and want to return to the family hearth, act. Try to figure out what attracted her to the other man. Perhaps he gallantly looks after and gives flowers, or with him a woman can discuss the problems that concern her. Become better than him. Since your spouse has already chosen you once, it is likely that she will do it again.
Step 5
Not everyone is able to forgive treason. If your wife's unfaithfulness has become a bolt from the blue for you, a meanness that you cannot accept, part with it. For a start, you can live separately for a while to understand yourself. Realize what is more dear to you: your honest name or your unfaithful spouse. And if the choice is not in favor of the latter, file for divorce, do not torture yourself or the woman.