Kindergarten is the place where the child receives not only the first knowledge and skills, but also learns to be in society. Before parents take their baby to an institution for the first time, it is worth building a home daily routine so that sleep and nutrition coincide with the regime in the garden. By doing this, they will provide all possible assistance to their child in adapting to the new environment.

As a rule, the arrival of children at the institution is possible as early as 7 am. This is especially convenient for those parents who start their working day early enough. In warm weather, the teacher meets his pupils at the playground, and in cool weather - in the group.
Before breakfast, all the children wash their hands. In the preparatory group for school, attendants are assigned. Their job is to help set the table. This is the first introduction to work.
After breakfast, classes begin. Depending on the day of the week, these can be:
- modeling;
- drawing;
- music;
- physical Culture;
- mathematics;
- development of speech;
- natural history.
All classes are held in accordance with age, strictly according to the plan and always in a playful way. Children always receive handouts and get involved in the discussion. This contributes to their complex development.
To create a healthy atmosphere in the kindergarten, various activities are regularly held. This gives the pupils a lot of positive emotions. For holidays such as New Year and March 8, kids prepare in advance. Poems are studied together with teachers, scenes are prepared, songs are learned. Adults are invited to the matinee and everyone is having fun together.
In any weather, except for bad weather and severe frosts, the teacher walks with the children. Walking not only has a beneficial effect on the health of babies, but also contributes to their intellectual development. For this, during the walk, various outdoor games and competitions are held. The teacher pays attention to natural phenomena, explains their essence with examples. The friendly atmosphere is facilitated by the joint collection of yellow leaves, cones and other natural materials.
Lunch and quiet hour
After the walk, the children have lunch. The teacher makes sure that all children sit at the table with clean hands, reminds the rules of behavior at the table. And from about 13 to 15 o'clock, all the children sleep. The teacher is sure to be nearby at this time, which contributes to good rest.
Afternoon snack and game
An afternoon snack is a light snack after sleep. Then, as a rule, children are divided into individual groups depending on their wishes and needs. At this time, some of the children play board or role-playing games, and with the other part, the teacher examines the pictures, consolidating the material passed during the day, reads books and tells fairy tales.
Dinner and walk
Before or after dinner, the kids go for a walk. Usually at this time parents come for the children, but the guys often ask to walk for some more time. This is because there is mutual understanding, trust and kindness in kindergarten.