A man needs much more time to raise his child than an animal needs to train its young. Lack of proper educational measures can lead to mental retardation, wrong perception of the world. What can be called upbringing?

Step 1
Upbringing is the purposeful development of a personality for its further participation in cultural and social life. The goal of upbringing is to achieve positive changes in a person, which occurs under the influence of educational actions and actions carried out.
Step 2
There are cases when a child was raised by wild animals and survived in difficult natural conditions with the support of animals. The children of the jungle, transferred to human society, did not adapt to life in human society.
Step 3
Adults must necessarily participate in the processes of socialization and development of children. Fairytale therapy is one of the methods in raising a child. If you know the psychology of children, you will understand that you can educate them with the help of stories and fairy tales. By telling stories, you convey the experience of past generations in a more accessible form.
Step 4
At the time when you are raising children, it is important not to miss the period when the child is still listening to you, reaching out to you, when you are an authority for him. If you are constantly busy and you do not have free time to raise your own baby, then use at least those moments when you pick up your child from kindergarten or school. Children are very vulnerable, they need the assessment of others, especially their peer friends. And any careless statement can affect the child's psyche. Therefore, you need to teach children to improve their self-esteem, develop self-confidence.
Step 5
Soulful love cannot be pampered, because from it people only become happier. Parents need to understand that tenderness and affection are important to children. The child is drawn to where love exists, where he is accepted as he is. But you also need to understand that this should not spoil and raise an egoist from the baby. You can't allow much, spoil the younger generation. Some people behave very correctly when they are angry, while others, on the contrary, show their fists to the offender. Because one person is in control of their emotions and the other is not. Explain to your child that everyone has negative emotions, but you need to learn how to control them.
Step 6
Be a true friend to your child so that he or she shares his successes and experiences with you. Often, problems with children are due to the fact that parents do not understand themselves. The goal of any person is to understand himself, and then educate his child.