Many couples try to conceive a child for months, but nothing comes of it. Perhaps they have some kind of health problems, and perhaps not, just the future parents irresponsibly approached this important matter. How to increase the chances of conceiving a healthy, beautiful child?

Step 1
Before you decide to conceive a baby, try to go through all the necessary examinations together. This will help you avoid many problems in the future. Also, don't forget to visit your dentist. and heal all aching teeth. In addition, you will have to give up bad habits and switch to a healthier lifestyle. For example, smoking reduces the possibility of conception by several times. Avoid stress and nervous tension, because this also significantly affects your body.
Step 2
After you put your health in order, you need to catch the fertile days. The best time is between 10 and 20 days of your cycle, it is during this period that ovulation occurs. The chances of getting pregnant on the day of ovulation increase to 75%, and on the eve of up to 60%, although the next day after ovulation, the possibility of conception is already reduced to 30%. To be sure to get on the right day, doctors advise couples to make love every three days, and by the right period, switch to sex every other day. It is widely believed that if you abstain from sex, preserving strength for day X, then on that day a man will have a lot of sperm and conception will definitely occur. However, this opinion is erroneous, indeed the sperm count will be higher than usual, but the sperm will be inactive. Also, you should not make love all day long, because then, on the contrary, the amount of semen will be small, which also significantly reduces your chances of getting pregnant. In everything you need to know when to stop.
Step 3
If you have an irregular cycle, then to determine the day of ovulation, you must use a special test to determine ovulation, or the method of measuring basal temperature. To determine day X using basal temperature, you need to measure it daily, on the day of ovulation, basal temperature reaches its maximum of about 37.5 degrees. Of course, it is much easier to use an ovulation test that you can buy at any pharmacy.
Step 4
It is believed that while preparing a couple for conceiving a child, a woman should not eat foods high in vitamin C, as this vitamin reduces the amount of cervical fluid, which in turn plays an important role in transporting sperm to the uterus. Also, do not eat a large amount of fish containing mercury, it can be predatory sea fish - tuna, swordfish, mackerel, etc. Medicines, even the most harmless ones, can also affect the possibility of getting pregnant. Constant fear and stress can reduce the likelihood of conception to 0.